Merry Christmas.
And also, rules update for issues several have voiced concern about:
Rule #9, for image quality, has been amended to be less strict.
- Short of an image looking like a late-state Picasso painting from the thumbnail itself, staff only expect the issues to be properly tagged
- Images of exceptionally poor quality or with absurd errors may still be removed. The tech is well past the point where errors like >>2964 are “OK”
- If you’re going for Thingpone or some sort of nightmare fuel, that’s understandable, but passing random failed generations as “I’m just channeling my inner Dali” isn’t
- Tag Guidelines page has been updated, and relevant tags created and flagged as “important”
- An additional default filter has been set up that spoilers these sort of common quality issues
- This isn’t really meant as a common use filter, but is a convenience for anyone wanting to copy them to their own filters
In regards to Rule #1, ie. “style copying”
- Text hasn’t changed since last revision, but policy has been clarified within staff (holidays etc.); apologies to anyone affected in the meanwhile
- We may delete images that unabashedly mimic existing artists if these appear to be harmful to their business or reputation
- eg. claiming to be the artist to take up commissions or merch sales
- or using the artist’s style to create images of a contentious theme, or one the artist is known to be against
- Images looking “kind of in the style of” or “giving the vibe of” are not a concern
- We (still) do not care about what prompts, models, LORAs, workflows, brushes, or whatever tools used
Some of the text in the AI Quality page will need updating, but bear with us as that might take some time. As well, we’re aware that there are bits and bobs here still missing or looking funny; we’ll work on sorting things out as soon as possible.