Opening Thread

Background Pony #07EC
Thank you for the clarification.
Will there also be one more automatic backup before purging proper begins?
You may still want to keep that script in mind, if it would also save the comments of those images and you have any interest in said comments. I’m currently putting together a few tiny programs in Javascript that’ll hopefully let me set up a mass-favoriting system for a Derpi account and subsequently use one of the programs I’ve seen recommended in the update thread over there to download all the AI images I’ve favorited ‘off the record’ (saving the links in text files) with comments attached, since I know for certain at least a few have comment chains that I enjoyed going through or I made note of for future inspiration.
I’d also be happy to share them once they’re ready, and I’ve gotten approval that multiple people using them won’t break anything. (I’ve got a few years experience in dabbling with client-side Javascript, not so much XML.)
Posted Report

3-3/4" Army Man Fan
Since we’re still allowed to upload ai generated images on Derpibooru until the 14th, and those will stay until early January, will any future images be imported from Derpibooru? I ask because I still posted some both over there and here, and was wondering if what I already have uploaded would be overwritten by a future Admin import.
Posted Report
Background Pony #E58B
Got a request from Derpibooru to copy it to here:
@Local Sugar Provider
PLOT TWIST: Imagine you post real art in Tantabus, but it get deleted because its not real ai pictures
Im just joking around ;p
Posted Report

There won’t be an automatic import of those as the script doesn’t like dupes, but I’ll manually import the ones that are missing when it happens.
Posted Report
Scarlet Ribbon

@Background Pony #A922
It’s worse that that. It can be done in less than a minute using It’s not about the amount of effort, it’s that people don’t TRY.
And to be fair, I get it – My personal interest in AI generated art is to see how good I can get things to be without manual intervention from prompt to finished image. But I also don’t upload a lot of art, either, because I’m not foolish enough to think it’s all amazing.
Background Pony #3820
I would prefer it to be called something like derpaibooru instead like e6ai
Posted Report

There should be a dropdown between filter selection and your profile, on the top right; the default value is “static”, and you probably want “click”.
Unfortunately if you’re on a phone, you’ll have to switch to desktop view / zoom out in order for the dropdown to appear… it’s a longstanding issue with BoR and Phillomena.
It seems you still managed to register, so I guess nothing… possible the “confirmation may have hit the system twice on clicking or something.
Posted Report

Changeling Ai enthusiast
I thought of a rule question!
When it comes to artifacting, can it be tolerated in certain context? Like if it could feasibly be a part of an imageS setting?
I.e. , a cyberpunk themed image where such artifacts could be explained as damage? Either to a screen or a sortof digital skin?
Background Pony #9ED6
Misc. issues with various site info pages:
  • Site rules #6 and #8 - bullet points are inline, not actual formatted bullet points
  • Rules in the report reason dropdown menu don’t match the site rules
  • Email link near the bottom of the Privacy Policy is misspelled, “” (the actual mailto: href is spelled correctly, though)
  • About Uploading should probably give “prompter:” as an example instead of “artist:”
  • On Takedown Requests, both “Rules” links are broken, linking to /rules when they should link to /pages/rules
  • FAQ page:
    • The various sections that explain Rule #9 questions about quality and artifacts could be improved by linking to the relevant sections of the AI Quality Guidelines
    • Under “I found two tags that mean the same thing, what should I do?”, it says to contact staff about it - is that really what you want, or should it instead say to bring it up in the tagging forum? (BTW, it also presently has the misspelled word “conact” instead of “contact”)
    • Under “Who can edit tags and the source URL on an image?” it says, “Any non-banned registered user can.” However, unregistered users presently can edit tags after solving a captcha. Issue in the FAQ or issue in the site configuration?
    • The link in the answer to “How do I rename my account?” is broken, pointing to /registration/edit when it should point to /settings/edit
  • On the API page:
    • The link in “You can find your authentication token in your account settings.” also is broken, pointing to /registration/edit when it should point to /settings/edit
    • The link in “The interested reader may find the implementations of these endpoints here.” points to Derpibooru’s Github, when it should point to Tantabus’ Github.
    • The example JSON in the section “Posting Images” could be redone using an example from Tantabus instead of Derpibooru.
    • Under “Oembed Responses”, provider_name and provider_url should list Tantabus info, not Derpibooru.
Posted Report

Go fsck yourself
There won’t be an automatic import of those as the script doesn’t like dupes, but I’ll manually import the ones that are missing when it happens.
Bless you.
I’d only gotten as far as saving a copy of an image if I don’t already have it. But your idea of saving comments is interesting; if I got that to work, saving tags as well should be trivial. That might bring up questions about using Derpibooru database dumps as a tag source, but let’s cross that bridge later.
My area of experience is embedded systems, so C/C++, assembly, and Python (if I’m feeling REALLY ambitious) are my comfy languages, though I’ll dabble in Perl and PHP if I have to – such is the life of a LAMP stack user. I use Arch, BTW. 😉 My “head script” was mostly in Bash 🙄, so I bet your JS would beat the socks off of it.
Regarding compatibility, the only issue I’ve ever read about on Derpibooru had to do with rate limiting, or lack thereof, by a user script. I think it might even be mentioned in the API documentation (just checked, it is, right near the top under Licensing), but it’s also common sense that you don’t want to hammer their server with requests at an audible frequency. 🤣 As long as it can finish in a “reasonable” amount of time, and it’s grabbing data at a “reasonable” rate, I don’t think anyone will have a problem.
There are currently 33,835 images with the ai generated tag on Derpibooru. There are 27 days left until those image pages, and whatever is uploaded over the next four days, are deleted. 27 days == 38,880 minutes, so theoretically, one request per minute would do the job, IFF one were to grab just the image file. At least we’re not in a rush. :)
EDIT: Here’s a thread on Derpibooru discussing custom user scripts:

There’s still a possibility (but not a promise) that comments will get copied over; stating that so no one spends a week of their time working on it and feeling it was wasted time.
I ran a quick clean and reuploaded/merged.
I plan to set up a post (and announcement) for how to do this easily (at least my method), just… not today.
Posted Report

…though ideally images are cleaned up before first upload, and if not the cleaning and reupload is by the original uploader and not staff…
Posted Report

Sounds fair to me.
One more thing - Derpi mods seemed to have a nasty habit of deleting images without telling the uploader. Will that happen here?
Posted Report

That habit is mostly born from volume and the amount of followup (and some harassment) that resulted in the past. Hopefully not an issue here but there likely won’t PMs sent for every image deleted. Perhaps a feature in the future could make things smoother or more automated, but I don’t know yet.
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