For those wondering what this is about, and keeping in mind I’m not a tech person…
For those wondering what this is about, and keeping in mind I’m not a tech person…
Basically to speed things up (and in case the AI deletions happened before the import did) derpi gave us access to a comment dump. The dump included all comments, which without realizing included the names of as-anon commenters; the import script could not have possibly caught this error, since it was given commenter names as plain text without the as-anon flag, so names were used instead of anon ids. As soon as that was reported to us the import was reverted.
We’ll be running another import soon using the standard public dump instead (with a side effect of also pushing back the deletion date on derpi).
AFAIK derpi’s tech admin will be making a post about it there as well with I assume better details.