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Site and Policy » The writing on the quality guidelines page is riddled with errors » Post 1

Site and Policy » The writing on the quality guidelines page is riddled with errors » Topic Opener


Honestly, this is just extra insulting.
Images that fail one of the criteria listed further down may to be deleted.
“may to be”
Practically all the examples of errors listed below could be be spotted and fixed before upload
“be be”
These sort of artifacts commonly appear on the the corners of an image
“the the”
Artifact on plant leave is clearly not a detail related to the plant.
“leave” should be “leaf”
Extra limbs, miss-sized torsos or limbs
“miss-sized” should be “mis-sized”
Pinkie’s left forelg vanishes into her apron or just missing entirely.
Big Mac’s arm would be unnaturally long, particularly as it’s wouldn’t be straight.
“it’s wouldn’t be” should be “it wouldn’t be”
Bad hands, too many fingers, things bending how they shouldn’t, weird bumps… Stylization is OK, fleshblobs are not.
“Stylization” shouldn’t be capitalized
AJ’s fingers aren’t great, but they’re not obviously wrong or the close to being the focus of the image.
Extra “the” before “close”
Weird eyes, extra nostrils, mouths that just aren’t right, eyelashes and eyebrows that are blobs or simply broken… There’s a lot of small things that can go wrong here, but given how important the face is, they have a lot of impact; faces are important!
“There’s” shouldn’t be capitalized
Iris / pupil shapes aren’t perfect, but not too bad either. Vague muzzle outline is again OK for cartoonish styles. (and AI really likes four freckes…)
“and” should be capitalized
The two characters on the left are noticeably low quality, and the Flutershy clone on the right is a mess.
That beach hair would snap immediately, and one of the supports o the back vanishes.
“hair” should be “chair”
“o” should be “on”
The outline isn’t bad or crunchy, and the weird eyes tears likely intentional.
“eyes tears” should be “eyes/tears”
For a fashion magazine cover, the focus would be the photo/model, so fake “ponish” language is fine. and the big magazine title text is OK; however, the smaller text is mostly just chicken scratches.
“and” should be capitalized
The sign at the top isn’t too prominent or seems important

All in all, I think that page is too low quality and you should delete it.

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subjectFull TextMatches the title of the topic.subject:time wasting thread
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updated_atDate/Time RangeMatches the creation or last edit time of this post.updated_at.gte:2 weeks ago
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