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Image Preference Sorter


So I was looking for a simple pair comparison sort tool and all the ones I could find were ad bloated or just not good.
large large

Why? idk. Often I gen a bunch of stuff with minor differences, or do several inpaintings in one go, or tinker with styles and end up mired in indecision. You can use it for whatever, deciding who’s best pony or which meal you want I guess.
Scarlet Ribbon

True Wildcard
I just wanna be clear on the usage here … this is basically a tool that attempts to rank images in a dataset by showing you two images and asking you to pick which one you like more?

DJ HORN3 took the wheel
I use an rgthree image comparer in ComfyUI, that has a nice slider that overlays images on top of each other to spot the minor-est differences when tweaking just the small stuff:
I guess it isn’t that useful when images have big differences between them, but consider this.
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