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I do the same process as adetailer a lot, except for the automatic masking. The models themselves don’t actually change anything, they just automatically mask areas, which is then used for low-denoise only-masked inpainting.

I don’t really see the point of an ‘ADetailer’ for cutie marks when you could just use an editing app to add the correct cutie mark manually. I get the idea of using an ADetailer for things like making horse pussy more correct / accurate, but why make a cutie mark-specific ADetailer LORA if the AI is going to keep messing up the cutie marks anyway? I can understand the usefulness of using an ‘ADetailer’ for cutie marks in 3D images, but it doesn’t seem as necessary for 2D ones.

With the Noob based models at least, it’ll get the cutie mark right some of the time, and if it gets it wrong, then ‘detailing’ it (masked inpainting) will usually get it right after a few tries if it understands the character. For more obscure characters this doesn’t work. For example, with >>34015 I had to manually edit the cutie mark in and then masked inpaint it a few times to blend it in.
Scarlet Ribbon

Because if I’m going to generate stuff that’s ‘not good enough’ to do all the manual editing on, but still interesting enough to share with my friends, I’d rather it look better than worse.

why make a cutie mark-specific ADetailer LORA if the AI is going to keep messing up the cutie marks anyway?
It might be the case that part of the orignal prompt is what is messing up the cutiemark. In these situations ADetailer allows you to add a custom prompt and/or negative prompt to the cutiemark areas it detects
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