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Revision history for FAQ

Admin<div class="walloftext"> <h2>General</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatistantabus">What is this place and why is my art here?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatistantabus" class="hidden">Tantabus is an imageboard that hosts AI generated images related to the MLP franchise. It is a place for creators and enthusiasts to share and discuss AI images and AI assisted artwork, as well as to learn from and inspire each other. If your work is here, it is likely because it was generated or created using AI and was uploaded to the site by another user.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-derpi">Is this a Derpibooru alternative?</a> <p id="faq-item-derpi" class="hidden">No; the purpose of this site is to host AI generated and assisted artworks regardless of whether or not they’re hosted elsewhere, and does not intend to be an alternative for any other site.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-likeanon">Is it possible to remain anonymous on this website? What benefits do I get from registering?</a> <p id="faq-item-likeanon" class="hidden">An account is not necessary to view images and change between default filters. However registered users have an option to hide their username when posting comments and uploading images. Registering an account is recommended, as that allows for creating and managing custom filters and galleries, voting on images and adding them to favorites, sending private messages, and more!</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-staff">Who runs this site?</a> <p id="faq-item-staff" class="hidden">Tantabus is run by a small team of volunteers that enjoy the MLP fandom and are excited about AI for image creation. You can view a list at our <a href="/staff">staff page</a>.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-helpout">How can I help out on the site?</a> <p id="faq-item-helpout" class="hidden">Simple! The best way to help out is by submitting high quality images created by AI (in full or in part), and helping make sure that the tags and sources of images to help make sure everything is properly organized.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Rule Explanations</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisbait">Rule 0: What does&nbsp;"attempt to cause fights or drag the site down in flamewars" mean?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisbait" class="hidden">Attempting to cause fights or drag the site down in flamewars refers to behaviors that are intended to stir up conflict or drama on the site. This could include posting inflammatory or divisive content, intentionally starting arguments with other users, or trying to incite others to engage in inappropriate or disruptive behavior. It is important to note that some creations may contain imagery that some users may find controversial or offensive. However, this does not excuse behavior that is intended to offend or harm others. Such actions can be harmful and disruptive to the community and are not tolerated on the site.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisharassment">Rule 0: What does harass mean?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisharassment" class="hidden">Any behavior that is intended to intimidate, threaten, or cause distress to another person, such as by using threatening language, bullying, doxxing, stalking, slander and any other behavior that is meant to harm or intimidate another person. It is important to note that certain leeway may be given in regards to public figures or groups, such as politicians or hate groups, as long as it does not cross the line into threats against individuals or calls for violence. However, general harassment of any kind is not tolerated on our site and we encourage users to report any instances of harassment to site staff.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisdiscrimination">Rule 0: What is discrimination?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisdiscrimination" class="hidden">Discrimination refers to the act of unfairly treating or prejudicing someone based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. This type of behavior is not tolerated on our site and we ask that users respect the diversity and dignity of all individuals. The portrayal of discrimination is not itself forbidden as long as it is not being promoted; criticizing discrimination is allowed, but racist propaganda and stereotypes are not.<br /><br />While images featuring in-universe fictional discrimination, such as between fictional species or cultures, are allowed on the site, these should not be used as a proxy for real world discrimination.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-artistupload">Rule 1: I'm an artist, can I post my non-AI related works here?</a> <p id="faq-item-artistupload" class="hidden">While we appreciate the interest, we would prefer to keep this site focused on AI related content (art generated by AI, where AI was used as a tool, guides and tutorials for using AI, etc.)<br /><br /> Non-AI related works would be better served on a site like Derpibooru.</p></li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-sketches">Rule 1: I have a sketch from an artist, can I use that?</a> <p id="faq-item-sketches" class="hidden">Only if the sketch is definitely abandoned (not an active WiP), was never part of any commercial project, the artist has been OK with edits of their work in the past, and the artist is fully credited for their work.<br /><br /> Please check with the artist first, as otherwise the image may still be removed.</p></li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-styles">Rule 1: About artist similarity, can I use style prompts?</a> <p id="faq-item-styles" class="hidden">We only care about the end result image, not about what prompts or editing the image went through during its creation. If an image resembles the work of a pony / furry artist to the point it could be confused as theirs or seen as impersonation, it may be removed.<br /><br /> By default we assume artists do not approve of this kind of "impersonation"; if you're aware of a case to the contrary, please let us know so we can avoid unnecessary image removals.</p></li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisgraphiccontroversial">Rule 7: What is graphic or highly controversial?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisgraphiccontroversial" class="hidden">This refers mainly to what would be hidden by the Default filter for sexual, horror, or controversy reasons. For instance, exposed breasts, gore, or racism and related symbols. Things Default only spoilers are <em>generally</em> fine, and some things it hides may be okay due to not being graphic, but in gray areas, it is best to get staff approval.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-publicfigure">Rule 8: What is a public figure?</a> <p id="faq-item-publicfigure" class="hidden">"Public figures" are individuals who have a public presence and are well-known by the general public, such as politicians, celebrities, and other high-profile individuals.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-signatures">Rule 9: What are "ghost signature"?</a> <p id="faq-item-signatures" class="hidden">Many AIs will occasionally add something that looks like a signature, text, or logo into an image, as these are common elements in training data. You should further work on the image to remove such artifacts before uploading, as "ghost signatures" that resemble a real artist's signature or logo may lead to an image being deleted.<br /><br />Note that this does not include signatures included intentionally to identify an image’s creator.<br /><br />Please check <a href="/pages/aibasequality">this page</a> for more information.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-spam">Rule 9: What is spam in this context?</a> <p id="faq-item-spam" class="hidden">Spam in the context of Rule #9 refers to uploading multiple images in a short time that show very little variance, either because they’re the same prompt run multiple times giving similar results, or because they’re iterations / refinements leading to a final image.<br /><br />If you’ve created multiple images that contain the same character, pose, style, or other defining elements, please choose the ones you like the most for upload, or space them out in a reasonable manner.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Images, Tags, and Sources</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whataretags">What are tags?</a> <p id="faq-item-whataretags" class="hidden">Tags are how imageboards stay organized. They are used to describe images, including information such as the creator of the image, the character(s) in the image, theme of an image, and more. Using tags allows anyone to quickly and easily find the images that they are looking for.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whattags">What tags should I add to an image?</a> <p id="faq-item-whattags" class="hidden">Tags should accurately describe the contents, such as characters, a theme, OCs, and items, and meta-information, such as the creator and rating of an image.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-anytags">Can I add any tag I want to images?</a> <p id="faq-item-anytags" class="hidden">No. Tags must accurately reflect the image. Adding random, nonsensical, or irrelevant tags to an image, as well as removing valid tags from an image, is considered tag vandalism and if done intentionally will result in a ban.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-aliasing">I found two tags that mean the same thing, what should I do?</a> <p id="faq-item-aliasing" class="hidden">You can check the <a href="/forums/tagging">Tagging Forum</a> and propose an alias to unify both tags. Contact staff before engaging in any kind of mass retaggin.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whocanedit">Who can edit tags and the source URL on an image?</a> <p id="faq-item-whocanedit" class="hidden">Anyone can.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-updateimages">How do I update images?</a> <p id="faq-item-updateimages" class="hidden">If an image has been updated or fixed by the creator, upload it and report the old image as a duplicate of the new. Click the "Reporting" tab on the old image, then "Updated or previously uploaded", and enter the ID number&nbsp;of the newer image. All duplicate reports are processed manually by a member of the site staff, and will be looked at as soon as possible.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-favevote">What is the difference between favorites and votes?</a> <p id="faq-item-favevote" class="hidden">Voting lets you show your approval for an image privately. It only changes the score of an image. Faving automatically upvotes an image, but the fave is public. Please note that anyone can fave on an image, or search images faved by any user.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Accounts</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-deleteacct">How do I delete my account?</a> <p id="faq-item-deleteacct" class="hidden">It is not possible to fully delete accounts. You can request that your account be deactivated and have all personally identifiable information (such as your email and IP address) wiped by contacting [email protected] from the email address associated with the account. Note that if you wish to have your username no longer associated with the site, you must change it before submitting the request.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-renameacct">How do I rename my account?</a> <p id="faq-item-renameacct" class="hidden">You may rename your account by going to your <a href="/registrations/edit">Account</a> page, and looking for the the link to rename your account at the top of the page. Please be aware that you may only rename your account once every ninety days, and if the link is not visible, that means your account was renamed too recently.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-acctnameinuse">Someone registered an account name I want to use and isn't using it, can I have it?</a> <p id="faq-item-acctnameinuse" class="hidden">If someone has registered a username that you would like and has had no activity on the site, we will be glad to "clear up" the username so that you may have it in most circumstances. Please contact a moderator for assistance with this.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Bans and Deletions</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-appealban">Why am I banned? How do I appeal it?</a> <div id="faq-item-appealban" class="hidden"> <p>Ban messages will include a reason for the ban. Note that, due to how IP addresses work, you may have ended up with an IP address that was banned while someone else used it.</p> <p><a href="/pages/contact">Contact us</a> if you want to appeal a ban, or you think a ban is incorrectly affecting you. Discord and IRC are preferred.</p> </div> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whydeleted">Why was my upload deleted?</a> <p id="faq-item-whydeleted" class="hidden">We actively monitor images and will delete any upload that violates the <a href="/pages/rules">Site Rules</a>. The rules give detailed accounts of what is not allowed on the site and will be taken down. If you feel your upload was taken down in error, please don&rsquo;t re-upload it &ndash; contact us first.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Technical Questions</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-logout">Why do I keep getting logged out?</a> <p id="faq-item-logout" class="hidden">To remain logged in, check the box labelled "Remember Me" on the log in screen. Additionally, an occasional bug in the authentication framework the site uses may prevent you from using more than one simultaneous login. Please log out of all instances and try again.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-philomena">What is 'philomena'?</a> <p id="faq-item-philomena" class="hidden">The site is powered by a custom <a href="">Phoenix</a> application developed by the Derpibooru team. Philomena is a phoenix character in MLP:FiM and gives the application its name.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Takedowns and Do-Not-Post Requests</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-takedowns">Can I get my artwork removed?</a> <p id="faq-item-takedowns" class="hidden">This imageboard is dedicated to AI generated images and assisted artworks, and original artworks that were not created or enhanced by AI should not be posted on the site in the first place.<br /><br />If you are the creator of an original artwork that was not created or enhanced by AI and you would like it removed from the site, please contact the site administrator and provide proof of ownership in order to have it removed. It is expected that any images that were created using original artwork as a base had the permission of the original artist to be posted on the site. If this is not the case, please report the image to the site staff.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-copyright">You're violating my copyright and I want to sue you!</a> <p id="faq-item-copyright" class="hidden">Formal takedown notices will be dealt with as rapidly as a normal takedown request, and will only make your lawyers richer. We recommend submitting a report, since this method is significantly faster, easier, and does not involve anyone paying any lawyers anything.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-commtakedown">I don't want an image I commissioned on this site, how do I delete it?</a> <p id="faq-item-commtakedown" class="hidden">By default, ownership of commissioned images remains with the person who created the image, not the person who commissioned it. The person who created the image is the only one who may request a takedown, unless a transfer of rights has been agreed on and properly documented.</p> </li> </ul> </div>
Admin<div class="walloftext"> <h2>General</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatistantabus">What is this place and why is my art here?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatistantabus" class="hidden">Tantabus is an imageboard that hosts AI generated images related to the MLP franchise. It is a place for creators and enthusiasts to share and discuss AI images and AI assisted artwork, as well as to learn from and inspire each other. If your work is here, it is likely because it was generated or created using AI and was uploaded to the site by another user.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-derpi">Is this a Derpibooru alternative?</a> <p id="faq-item-derpi" class="hidden">No; the purpose of this site is to host AI generated and assisted artworks regardless of whether or not they’re hosted elsewhere, and does not intend to be an alternative for any other site.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-likeanon">Is it possible to remain anonymous on this website? What benefits do I get from registering?</a> <p id="faq-item-likeanon" class="hidden">An account is not necessary to view images and change between default filters. However registered users have an option to hide their username when posting comments and uploading images. Registering an account is recommended, as that allows for creating and managing custom filters and galleries, voting on images and adding them to favorites, sending private messages, and more!</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-staff">Who runs this site?</a> <p id="faq-item-staff" class="hidden">Tantabus is run by a small team of volunteers that enjoy the MLP fandom and are excited about AI for image creation. You can view a list at our <a href="/staff">staff page</a>.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-helpout">How can I help out on the site?</a> <p id="faq-item-helpout" class="hidden">Simple! The best way to help out is by submitting high quality images created by AI (in full or in part), and helping make sure that the tags and sources of images to help make sure everything is properly organized.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Rule Explanations</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisbait">Rule 0: What does&nbsp;"attempt to cause fights or drag the site down in flamewars" mean?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisbait" class="hidden">Attempting to cause fights or drag the site down in flamewars refers to behaviors that are intended to stir up conflict or drama on the site. This could include posting inflammatory or divisive content, intentionally starting arguments with other users, or trying to incite others to engage in inappropriate or disruptive behavior. It is important to note that some creations may contain imagery that some users may find controversial or offensive. However, this does not excuse behavior that is intended to offend or harm others. Such actions can be harmful and disruptive to the community and are not tolerated on the site.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisharassment">Rule 0: What does harass mean?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisharassment" class="hidden">Any behavior that is intended to intimidate, threaten, or cause distress to another person, such as by using threatening language, bullying, doxxing, stalking, slander and any other behavior that is meant to harm or intimidate another person. It is important to note that certain leeway may be given in regards to public figures or groups, such as politicians or hate groups, as long as it does not cross the line into threats against individuals or calls for violence. However, general harassment of any kind is not tolerated on our site and we encourage users to report any instances of harassment to site staff.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisdiscrimination">Rule 0: What is discrimination?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisdiscrimination" class="hidden">Discrimination refers to the act of unfairly treating or prejudicing someone based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. This type of behavior is not tolerated on our site and we ask that users respect the diversity and dignity of all individuals. The portrayal of discrimination is not itself forbidden as long as it is not being promoted; criticizing discrimination is allowed, but racist propaganda and stereotypes are not.<br /><br />While images featuring in-universe fictional discrimination, such as between fictional species or cultures, are allowed on the site, these should not be used as a proxy for real world discrimination.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-artistupload">Rule 1: I'm an artist, can I post my non-AI related works here?</a> <p id="faq-item-artistupload" class="hidden">While we appreciate the interest, we would prefer to keep this site focused on AI related content (art generated by AI, where AI was used as a tool, guides and tutorials for using AI, etc.)<br /><br /> Non-AI related works would be better served on a site like Derpibooru.</p></li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-sketches">Rule 1: I have a sketch from an artist, can I use that?</a> <p id="faq-item-sketches" class="hidden">Only if the sketch is definitely abandoned (not an active WiP), was never part of any commercial project, the artist has been OK with edits of their work in the past, and the artist is fully credited for their work.<br /><br /> Please check with the artist first, as otherwise the image may still be removed.</p></li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-styles">Rule 1: About artist similarity, can I use style prompts?</a> <p id="faq-item-styles" class="hidden">We only care about the end result image, not about what prompts or editing the image went through during its creation. If an image resembles the work of a pony / furry artist to the point it could be confused as theirs or seen as impersonation, it may be removed.<br /><br /> By default we assume artists do not approve of this kinds of "impersonation"; if there’s a case to the contrary, please make us aware of it to avoid unnecessary removals.</p></li> By default we assume artists do not approve of this kind of "impersonation"; if you're aware of a case to the contrary, please let us know so we can avoid unnecessary image removals.</p></li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisgraphiccontroversial">Rule 7: What is graphic or highly controversial?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisgraphiccontroversial" class="hidden">This refers mainly to what would be hidden by the Default filter for sexual, horror, or controversy reasons. For instance, exposed breasts, gore, or racism and related symbols. Things Default only spoilers are <em>generally</em> fine, and some things it hides may be okay due to not being graphic, but in gray areas, it is best to get staff approval.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-publicfigure">Rule 8: What is a public figure?</a> <p id="faq-item-publicfigure" class="hidden">"Public figures" are individuals who have a public presence and are well-known by the general public, such as politicians, celebrities, and other high-profile individuals.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-signatures">Rule 9: What are "ghost signature"?</a> <p id="faq-item-signatures" class="hidden">Many AIs will occasionally add something that looks like a signature, text, or logo into an image, as these are common elements in training data. You should further work on the image to remove such artifacts before uploading, as "ghost signatures" that resemble a real artist's signature or logo may lead to an image being deleted.<br /><br />Note that this does not include signatures included intentionally to identify an image’s creator.<br /><br />Please check <a href="/pages/aibasequality">this page</a> for more information.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-spam">Rule 9: What is spam in this context?</a> <p id="faq-item-spam" class="hidden">Spam in the context of Rule #9 refers to uploading multiple images in a short time that show very little variance, either because they’re the same prompt run multiple times giving similar results, or because they’re iterations / refinements leading to a final image.<br /><br />If you’ve created multiple images that contain the same character, pose, style, or other defining elements, please choose the ones you like the most for upload, or space them out in a reasonable manner.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Images, Tags, and Sources</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whataretags">What are tags?</a> <p id="faq-item-whataretags" class="hidden">Tags are how imageboards stay organized. They are used to describe images, including information such as the creator of the image, the character(s) in the image, theme of an image, and more. Using tags allows anyone to quickly and easily find the images that they are looking for.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whattags">What tags should I add to an image?</a> <p id="faq-item-whattags" class="hidden">Tags should accurately describe the contents, such as characters, a theme, OCs, and items, and meta-information, such as the creator and rating of an image.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-anytags">Can I add any tag I want to images?</a> <p id="faq-item-anytags" class="hidden">No. Tags must accurately reflect the image. Adding random, nonsensical, or irrelevant tags to an image, as well as removing valid tags from an image, is considered tag vandalism and if done intentionally will result in a ban.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-aliasing">I found two tags that mean the same thing, what should I do?</a> <p id="faq-item-aliasing" class="hidden">You can check the <a href="/forums/tagging">Tagging Forum</a> and propose an alias to unify both tags. Contact staff before engaging in any kind of mass retaggin.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whocanedit">Who can edit tags and the source URL on an image?</a> <p id="faq-item-whocanedit" class="hidden">Anyone can.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-updateimages">How do I update images?</a> <p id="faq-item-updateimages" class="hidden">If an image has been updated or fixed by the creator, upload it and report the old image as a duplicate of the new. Click the "Reporting" tab on the old image, then "Updated or previously uploaded", and enter the ID number&nbsp;of the newer image. All duplicate reports are processed manually by a member of the site staff, and will be looked at as soon as possible.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-favevote">What is the difference between favorites and votes?</a> <p id="faq-item-favevote" class="hidden">Voting lets you show your approval for an image privately. It only changes the score of an image. Faving automatically upvotes an image, but the fave is public. Please note that anyone can fave on an image, or search images faved by any user.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Accounts</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-deleteacct">How do I delete my account?</a> <p id="faq-item-deleteacct" class="hidden">It is not possible to fully delete accounts. You can request that your account be deactivated and have all personally identifiable information (such as your email and IP address) wiped by contacting [email protected] from the email address associated with the account. Note that if you wish to have your username no longer associated with the site, you must change it before submitting the request.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-renameacct">How do I rename my account?</a> <p id="faq-item-renameacct" class="hidden">You may rename your account by going to your <a href="/registrations/edit">Account</a> page, and looking for the the link to rename your account at the top of the page. Please be aware that you may only rename your account once every ninety days, and if the link is not visible, that means your account was renamed too recently.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-acctnameinuse">Someone registered an account name I want to use and isn't using it, can I have it?</a> <p id="faq-item-acctnameinuse" class="hidden">If someone has registered a username that you would like and has had no activity on the site, we will be glad to "clear up" the username so that you may have it in most circumstances. Please contact a moderator for assistance with this.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Bans and Deletions</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-appealban">Why am I banned? How do I appeal it?</a> <div id="faq-item-appealban" class="hidden"> <p>Ban messages will include a reason for the ban. Note that, due to how IP addresses work, you may have ended up with an IP address that was banned while someone else used it.</p> <p><a href="/pages/contact">Contact us</a> if you want to appeal a ban, or you think a ban is incorrectly affecting you. Discord and IRC are preferred.</p> </div> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whydeleted">Why was my upload deleted?</a> <p id="faq-item-whydeleted" class="hidden">We actively monitor images and will delete any upload that violates the <a href="/pages/rules">Site Rules</a>. The rules give detailed accounts of what is not allowed on the site and will be taken down. If you feel your upload was taken down in error, please don&rsquo;t re-upload it &ndash; contact us first.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Technical Questions</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-logout">Why do I keep getting logged out?</a> <p id="faq-item-logout" class="hidden">To remain logged in, check the box labelled "Remember Me" on the log in screen. Additionally, an occasional bug in the authentication framework the site uses may prevent you from using more than one simultaneous login. Please log out of all instances and try again.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-philomena">What is 'philomena'?</a> <p id="faq-item-philomena" class="hidden">The site is powered by a custom <a href="">Phoenix</a> application developed by the Derpibooru team. Philomena is a phoenix character in MLP:FiM and gives the application its name.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Takedowns and Do-Not-Post Requests</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-takedowns">Can I get my artwork removed?</a> <p id="faq-item-takedowns" class="hidden">This imageboard is dedicated to AI generated images and assisted artworks, and original artworks that were not created or enhanced by AI should not be posted on the site in the first place.<br /><br />If you are the creator of an original artwork that was not created or enhanced by AI and you would like it removed from the site, please contact the site administrator and provide proof of ownership in order to have it removed. It is expected that any images that were created using original artwork as a base had the permission of the original artist to be posted on the site. If this is not the case, please report the image to the site staff.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-copyright">You're violating my copyright and I want to sue you!</a> <p id="faq-item-copyright" class="hidden">Formal takedown notices will be dealt with as rapidly as a normal takedown request, and will only make your lawyers richer. We recommend submitting a report, since this method is significantly faster, easier, and does not involve anyone paying any lawyers anything.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-commtakedown">I don't want an image I commissioned on this site, how do I delete it?</a> <p id="faq-item-commtakedown" class="hidden">By default, ownership of commissioned images remains with the person who created the image, not the person who commissioned it. The person who created the image is the only one who may request a takedown, unless a transfer of rights has been agreed on and properly documented.</p> </li> </ul> </div>
Admin<div class="walloftext"> <h2>General</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatistantabus">What is this place and why is my art here?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatistantabus" class="hidden">Tantabus is an imageboard that hosts AI generated images related to the MLP franchise. It is a place for creators and enthusiasts to share and discuss AI images and AI assisted artwork, as well as to learn from and inspire each other. If your work is here, it is likely because it was generated or created using AI and was uploaded to the site by another user.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-derpi">Is this a Derpibooru alternative?</a> <p id="faq-item-derpi" class="hidden">No; the purpose of this site is to host AI generated and assisted artworks regardless of whether or not they’re hosted elsewhere, and does not intend to be an alternative for any other site.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-likeanon">Is it possible to remain anonymous on this website? What benefits do I get from registering?</a> <p id="faq-item-likeanon" class="hidden">An account is not necessary to view images and change between default filters. However registered users have an option to hide their username when posting comments and uploading images. Registering an account is recommended, as that allows for creating and managing custom filters and galleries, voting on images and adding them to favorites, sending private messages, and more!</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-staff">Who runs this site?</a> <p id="faq-item-staff" class="hidden">Tantabus is run by a small team of volunteers that enjoy the MLP fandom and are excited about AI for image creation. You can view a list at our <a href="/staff">staff page</a>.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-helpout">How can I help out on the site?</a> <p id="faq-item-helpout" class="hidden">Simple! The best way to help out is by submitting high quality images created by AI (in full or in part), and helping make sure that the tags and sources of images to help make sure everything is properly organized.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Rule Explanations</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisbait">Rule 0: What does&nbsp;"attempt to cause fights or drag the site down in flamewars" mean?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisbait" class="hidden">Attempting to cause fights or drag the site down in flamewars refers to behaviors that are intended to stir up conflict or drama on the site. This could include posting inflammatory or divisive content, intentionally starting arguments with other users, or trying to incite others to engage in inappropriate or disruptive behavior. It is important to note that some creations may contain imagery that some users may find controversial or offensive. However, this does not excuse behavior that is intended to offend or harm others. Such actions can be harmful and disruptive to the community and are not tolerated on the site.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisharassment">Rule 0: What does harass mean?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisharassment" class="hidden">Any behavior that is intended to intimidate, threaten, or cause distress to another person, such as by using threatening language, bullying, doxxing, stalking, slander and any other behavior that is meant to harm or intimidate another person. It is important to note that certain leeway may be given in regards to public figures or groups, such as politicians or hate groups, as long as it does not cross the line into threats against individuals or calls for violence. However, general harassment of any kind is not tolerated on our site and we encourage users to report any instances of harassment to site staff.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisdiscrimination">Rule 0: What is discrimination?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisdiscrimination" class="hidden">Discrimination refers to the act of unfairly treating or prejudicing someone based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. This type of behavior is not tolerated on our site and we ask that users respect the diversity and dignity of all individuals. The portrayal of discrimination is not itself forbidden as long as it is not being promoted; criticizing discrimination is allowed, but racist propaganda and stereotypes are not.<br /><br />While images featuring in-universe fictional discrimination, such as between fictional species or cultures, are allowed on the site, these should not be used as a proxy for real world discrimination.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-artistupload">Rule 1: I'm an artist, can I post my non-AI related works here?</a> <p id="faq-item-artistupload" class="hidden">While we appreciate the interest, we would prefer to keep this site focused on AI related content (art generated by AI, where AI was used as a tool, guides and tutorials for using AI, etc.)<br /><br /> Non-AI related works would be better served on a site like Derpibooru.</p></li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-sketches">Rule 1: I have a sketch from an artist, can I use that?</a> <p id="faq-item-sketches" class="hidden">Only if the sketch is definitely abandoned (not an active WiP), was never part of any commercial project, the artist has been OK with edits of their work in the past, and the artist is fully credited for their work.<br /><br /> Please check with the artist first, as otherwise the image may still be removed.</p></li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-styles">Rule 1: About artist similarity, can I use style prompts?</a> <p id="faq-item-styles" class="hidden">We only care about the end result image, not about what prompts or editing the image went through during its creation. If an image resembles the work of a pony / furry artist to the point it could be confused as theirs or seen as impersonation, it may be removed.<br /><br /> By default we assume artists do not approve of this kinds of "impersonation"; if there’s a case to the contrary, please make us aware of it to avoid unnecessary removals.</p></li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisgraphiccontroversial">Rule 7: What is graphic or highly controversial?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisgraphiccontroversial" class="hidden">This refers mainly to what would be hidden by the Default filter for sexual, horror, or controversy reasons. For instance, exposed breasts, gore, or racism and related symbols. Things Default only spoilers are <em>generally</em> fine, and some things it hides may be okay due to not being graphic, but in gray areas, it is best to get staff approval.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-publicfigure">Rule 8: What is a public figure?</a> <p id="faq-item-publicfigure" class="hidden">"Public figures" are individuals who have a public presence and are well-known by the general public, such as politicians, celebrities, and other high-profile individuals.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-anatomy">Rule 9: What is "clearly broken anatomy"?</a> <p id="faq-item-anatomy" class="hidden">"Clearly broken anatomy" would be things like too many limbs, heads twisted in impossible angles, joints bent the wrong way, etc.<br /><br />Things like low detail or slightly deformed hands are allowed, but should be properly tagged.<br /><br />Please check <a href="/pages/aibasequality">this page</a> for more information.</p> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-signatures">Rule 9: What are "ghost signature"?</a> <p id="faq-item-signatures" class="hidden">Many AIs will occasionally add something that looks like a signature, text, or logo into an image, as these are common elements in training data. You should further work on the image to remove such artifacts before uploading, as "ghost signatures" that resemble a real artist's signature or logo may lead to an image being deleted.<br /><br />Note that this does not include signatures included intentionally to identify an image’s creator.<br /><br />Please check <a href="/pages/aibasequality">this page</a> for more information.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-signatures">Rule 9: What are "fake signatures or watermarks"?</a> <p id="faq-item-signatures" class="hidden">Many AIs will occasionally add something that looks like a signature or text on the corner of an image, as these are common elements in training data. You should further work on the image to remove such artifacts before uploading, as "ghost signatures" that are distracting to the image (highly visible or along the contour of a character) could result in an image removal.<br /><br />Note that this does not include signatures included intentionally to identify an image’s creator.<br /><br />Please check <a href="/pages/aibasequality">this page</a> for more information.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-spam">Rule 9: What is spam in this context?</a> <p id="faq-item-spam" class="hidden">Spam in the context of Rule #9 refers to uploading multiple images in a short time that show very little variance, either because they’re the same prompt run multiple times giving similar results, or because they’re iterations / refinements leading to a final image.<br /><br />If you’ve created multiple images that contain the same character, pose, style, or other defining elements, please choose the ones you like the most for upload, or space them out in a reasonable manner.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Images, Tags, and Sources</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whataretags">What are tags?</a> <p id="faq-item-whataretags" class="hidden">Tags are how imageboards stay organized. They are used to describe images, including information such as the creator of the image, the character(s) in the image, theme of an image, and more. Using tags allows anyone to quickly and easily find the images that they are looking for.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whattags">What tags should I add to an image?</a> <p id="faq-item-whattags" class="hidden">Tags should accurately describe the contents, such as characters, a theme, OCs, and items, and meta-information, such as the creator and rating of an image.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-anytags">Can I add any tag I want to images?</a> <p id="faq-item-anytags" class="hidden">No. Tags must accurately reflect the image. Adding random, nonsensical, or irrelevant tags to an image, as well as removing valid tags from an image, is considered tag vandalism and if done intentionally will result in a ban.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-aliasing">I found two tags that mean the same thing, what should I do?</a> <p id="faq-item-aliasing" class="hidden">You can check the <a href="/forums/tagging">Tagging Forum</a> and propose an alias to unify both tags. Contact staff before engaging in any kind of mass retaggin.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whocanedit">Who can edit tags and the source URL on an image?</a> <p id="faq-item-whocanedit" class="hidden">Anyone can.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-updateimages">How do I update images?</a> <p id="faq-item-updateimages" class="hidden">If an image has been updated or fixed by the creator, upload it and report the old image as a duplicate of the new. Click the "Reporting" tab on the old image, then "Updated or previously uploaded", and enter the ID number&nbsp;of the newer image. All duplicate reports are processed manually by a member of the site staff, and will be looked at as soon as possible.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-favevote">What is the difference between favorites and votes?</a> <p id="faq-item-favevote" class="hidden">Voting lets you show your approval for an image privately. It only changes the score of an image. Faving automatically upvotes an image, but the fave is public. Please note that anyone can fave on an image, or search images faved by any user.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Accounts</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-deleteacct">How do I delete my account?</a> <p id="faq-item-deleteacct" class="hidden">It is not possible to fully delete accounts. You can request that your account be deactivated and have all personally identifiable information (such as your email and IP address) wiped by contacting [email protected] from the email address associated with the account. Note that if you wish to have your username no longer associated with the site, you must change it before submitting the request.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-renameacct">How do I rename my account?</a> <p id="faq-item-renameacct" class="hidden">You may rename your account by going to your <a href="/registrations/edit">Account</a> page, and looking for the the link to rename your account at the top of the page. Please be aware that you may only rename your account once every ninety days, and if the link is not visible, that means your account was renamed too recently.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-acctnameinuse">Someone registered an account name I want to use and isn't using it, can I have it?</a> <p id="faq-item-acctnameinuse" class="hidden">If someone has registered a username that you would like and has had no activity on the site, we will be glad to "clear up" the username so that you may have it in most circumstances. Please contact a moderator for assistance with this.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Bans and Deletions</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-appealban">Why am I banned? How do I appeal it?</a> <div id="faq-item-appealban" class="hidden"> <p>Ban messages will include a reason for the ban. Note that, due to how IP addresses work, you may have ended up with an IP address that was banned while someone else used it.</p> <p><a href="/pages/contact">Contact us</a> if you want to appeal a ban, or you think a ban is incorrectly affecting you. Discord and IRC are preferred.</p> </div> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whydeleted">Why was my upload deleted?</a> <p id="faq-item-whydeleted" class="hidden">We actively monitor images and will delete any upload that violates the <a href="/pages/rules">Site Rules</a>. The rules give detailed accounts of what is not allowed on the site and will be taken down. If you feel your upload was taken down in error, please don&rsquo;t re-upload it &ndash; contact us first.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Technical Questions</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-logout">Why do I keep getting logged out?</a> <p id="faq-item-logout" class="hidden">To remain logged in, check the box labelled "Remember Me" on the log in screen. Additionally, an occasional bug in the authentication framework the site uses may prevent you from using more than one simultaneous login. Please log out of all instances and try again.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-philomena">What is 'philomena'?</a> <p id="faq-item-philomena" class="hidden">The site is powered by a custom <a href="">Phoenix</a> application developed by the Derpibooru team. Philomena is a phoenix character in MLP:FiM and gives the application its name.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Takedowns and Do-Not-Post Requests</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-takedowns">Can I get my artwork removed?</a> <p id="faq-item-takedowns" class="hidden">This imageboard is dedicated to AI generated images and assisted artworks, and original artworks that were not created or enhanced by AI should not be posted on the site in the first place.<br /><br />If you are the creator of an original artwork that was not created or enhanced by AI and you would like it removed from the site, please contact the site administrator and provide proof of ownership in order to have it removed. It is expected that any images that were created using original artwork as a base had the permission of the original artist to be posted on the site. If this is not the case, please report the image to the site staff.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-copyright">You're violating my copyright and I want to sue you!</a> <p id="faq-item-copyright" class="hidden">Formal takedown notices will be dealt with as rapidly as a normal takedown request, and will only make your lawyers richer. We recommend submitting a report, since this method is significantly faster, easier, and does not involve anyone paying any lawyers anything.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-commtakedown">I don't want an image I commissioned on this site, how do I delete it?</a> <p id="faq-item-commtakedown" class="hidden">By default, ownership of commissioned images remains with the person who created the image, not the person who commissioned it. The person who created the image is the only one who may request a takedown, unless a transfer of rights has been agreed on and properly documented.</p> </li> </ul> </div>
Admin<div class="walloftext"> <h2>General</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatistantabus">What is this place and why is my art here?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatistantabus" class="hidden">Tantabus is an imageboard that hosts AI generated images related to the MLP franchise. It is a place for creators and enthusiasts to share and discuss AI images and AI assisted artwork, as well as to learn from and inspire each other. If your work is here, it is likely because it was generated or created using AI and was uploaded to the site by another user.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-derpi">Is this a Derpibooru alternative?</a> <p id="faq-item-derpi" class="hidden">No; the purpose of this site is to host AI generated and assisted artworks regardless of whether or not they’re hosted elsewhere, and does not intend to be an alternative for any other site.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-likeanon">Is it possible to remain anonymous on this website? What benefits do I get from registering?</a> <p id="faq-item-likeanon" class="hidden">An account is not necessary to view images and change between default filters. However registered users have an option to hide their username when posting comments and uploading images. Registering an account is recommended, as that allows for creating and managing custom filters and galleries, voting on images and adding them to favorites, sending private messages, and more!</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-staff">Who runs this site?</a> <p id="faq-item-staff" class="hidden">Tantabus is run by a small team of volunteers that enjoy the MLP fandom and are excited about AI for image creation. You can view a list at our <a href="/staff">staff page</a>.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-helpout">How can I help out on the site?</a> <p id="faq-item-helpout" class="hidden">Simple! The best way to help out is by submitting high quality images created by AI (in full or in part), and helping make sure that the tags and sources of images to help make sure everything is properly organized.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Rule Explanations</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisbait">Rule 0: What does&nbsp;"attempt to cause fights or drag the site down in flamewars" mean?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisbait" class="hidden">Attempting to cause fights or drag the site down in flamewars refers to behaviors that are intended to stir up conflict or drama on the site. This could include posting inflammatory or divisive content, intentionally starting arguments with other users, or trying to incite others to engage in inappropriate or disruptive behavior. It is important to note that some creations may contain imagery that some users may find controversial or offensive. However, this does not excuse behavior that is intended to offend or harm others. Such actions can be harmful and disruptive to the community and are not tolerated on the site.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisharassment">Rule 0: What does harass mean?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisharassment" class="hidden">Any behavior that is intended to intimidate, threaten, or cause distress to another person, such as by using threatening language, bullying, doxxing, stalking, slander and any other behavior that is meant to harm or intimidate another person. It is important to note that certain leeway may be given in regards to public figures or groups, such as politicians or hate groups, as long as it does not cross the line into threats against individuals or calls for violence. However, general harassment of any kind is not tolerated on our site and we encourage users to report any instances of harassment to site staff.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisdiscrimination">Rule 0: What is discrimination?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisdiscrimination" class="hidden">Discrimination refers to the act of unfairly treating or prejudicing someone based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. This type of behavior is not tolerated on our site and we ask that users respect the diversity and dignity of all individuals. The portrayal of discrimination is not itself forbidden as long as it is not being promoted; criticizing discrimination is allowed, but racist propaganda and stereotypes are not.<br /><br />While images featuring in-universe fictional discrimination, such as between fictional species or cultures, are allowed on the site, these should not be used as a proxy for real world discrimination.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-artistupload">Rule 1: I'm an artist, can I post my non-AI related works here?</a> <p id="faq-item-artistupload" class="hidden">While we appreciate the interest, we would prefer to keep this site focused on AI related content (art generated by AI, where AI was used as a tool, guides and tutorials for using AI, etc.)<br /><br /> Non-AI related works would be better served on a site like Derpibooru.</p></li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-sketches">Rule 1: I have a sketch from an artist, can I use that?</a> <p id="faq-item-sketches" class="hidden">Only if the sketch is definitely abandoned (not an active WiP), was never part of any commercial project, the artist has been OK with edits of their work in the past, and the artist is fully credited for their work.<br /><br /> Please check with the artist first, as otherwise the image may still be removed.</p></li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-styles">Rule 1: About artist similarity, can I use style prompts?</a> <p id="faq-item-styles" class="hidden">We only care about the end result image, not about what prompts or editing the image went through during its creation. If an uploaded image closely resembles the work of a pony / furry artist, to the point it may be confused as theirs or seen as impersonation, it will be removed.<br /><br /> By default we assume artists do not approve of these kinds of impersonation; if there’s a case to the contrary, please make us aware of it to avoid unnecessary removals.</p></li> <p id="faq-item-styles" class="hidden">We only care about the end result image, not about what prompts or editing the image went through during its creation. If an image resembles the work of a pony / furry artist to the point it could be confused as theirs or seen as impersonation, it may be removed.<br /><br /> By default we assume artists do not approve of this kinds of "impersonation"; if there’s a case to the contrary, please make us aware of it to avoid unnecessary removals.</p></li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisgraphiccontroversial">Rule 7: What is graphic or highly controversial?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisgraphiccontroversial" class="hidden">This refers mainly to what would be hidden by the Default filter for sexual, horror, or controversy reasons. For instance, exposed breasts, gore, or racism and related symbols. Things Default only spoilers are <em>generally</em> fine, and some things it hides may be okay due to not being graphic, but in gray areas, it is best to get staff approval.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-publicfigure">Rule 8: What is a public figure?</a> <p id="faq-item-publicfigure" class="hidden">"Public figures" are individuals who have a public presence and are well-known by the general public, such as politicians, celebrities, and other high-profile individuals.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-anatomy">Rule 9: What is "clearly broken anatomy"?</a> <p id="faq-item-anatomy" class="hidden">"Clearly broken anatomy" would be things like too many limbs, heads twisted in impossible angles, joints bent the wrong way, etc.<br /><br />Things like low detail or slightly deformed hands are allowed, but should be properly tagged.<br /><br />Please check <a href="/pages/aibasequality">this page</a> for more information.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-signatures">Rule 9: What are "fake signatures or watermarks"?</a> <p id="faq-item-signatures" class="hidden">Many AIs will occasionally add something that looks like a signature or text on the corner of an image, as these are common elements in training data. You should further work on the image to remove such artifacts before uploading.<br /><br />Note that this does not include signatures included intentionally to identify an image’s creator.<br /><br />Please check <a href="/pages/aibasequality">this page</a> for more information.</p> <p id="faq-item-signatures" class="hidden">Many AIs will occasionally add something that looks like a signature or text on the corner of an image, as these are common elements in training data. You should further work on the image to remove such artifacts before uploading, as "ghost signatures" that are distracting to the image (highly visible or along the contour of a character) could result in an image removal.<br /><br />Note that this does not include signatures included intentionally to identify an image’s creator.<br /><br />Please check <a href="/pages/aibasequality">this page</a> for more information.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-spam">Rule 9: What is spam in this context?</a> <p id="faq-item-spam" class="hidden">Spam in the context of Rule #9 refers to uploading multiple images in a short time that show very little variance, either because they’re the same prompt run multiple times giving similar results, or because they’re iterations / refinements leading to a final image.<br /><br />If you’ve created multiple images that contain the same character, pose, style, or other defining elements, please choose the ones you like the most for upload, or space them out in a reasonable manner.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Images, Tags, and Sources</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whataretags">What are tags?</a> <p id="faq-item-whataretags" class="hidden">Tags are how imageboards stay organized. They are used to describe images, including information such as the creator of the image, the character(s) in the image, theme of an image, and more. Using tags allows anyone to quickly and easily find the images that they are looking for.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whattags">What tags should I add to an image?</a> <p id="faq-item-whattags" class="hidden">Tags should accurately describe the contents, such as characters, a theme, OCs, and items, and meta-information, such as the creator and rating of an image.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-anytags">Can I add any tag I want to images?</a> <p id="faq-item-anytags" class="hidden">No. Tags must accurately reflect the image. Adding random, nonsensical, or irrelevant tags to an image, as well as removing valid tags from an image, is considered tag vandalism and if done intentionally will result in a ban.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-aliasing">I found two tags that mean the same thing, what should I do?</a> <p id="faq-item-aliasing" class="hidden">You can check the <a href="/forums/tagging">Tagging Forum</a> and propose an alias to unify both tags. Contact staff before engaging in any kind of mass retaggin.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whocanedit">Who can edit tags and the source URL on an image?</a> <p id="faq-item-whocanedit" class="hidden">Anyone can.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-updateimages">How do I update images?</a> <p id="faq-item-updateimages" class="hidden">If an image has been updated or fixed by the creator, upload it and report the old image as a duplicate of the new. Click the "Reporting" tab on the old image, then "Updated or previously uploaded", and enter the ID number&nbsp;of the newer image. All duplicate reports are processed manually by a member of the site staff, and will be looked at as soon as possible.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-favevote">What is the difference between favorites and votes?</a> <p id="faq-item-favevote" class="hidden">Voting lets you show your approval for an image privately. It only changes the score of an image. Faving automatically upvotes an image, but the fave is public. Please note that anyone can fave on an image, or search images faved by any user.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Accounts</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-deleteacct">How do I delete my account?</a> <p id="faq-item-deleteacct" class="hidden">It is not possible to fully delete accounts. You can request that your account be deactivated and have all personally identifiable information (such as your email and IP address) wiped by contacting [email protected] from the email address associated with the account. Note that if you wish to have your username no longer associated with the site, you must change it before submitting the request.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-renameacct">How do I rename my account?</a> <p id="faq-item-renameacct" class="hidden">You may rename your account by going to your <a href="/registrations/edit">Account</a> page, and looking for the the link to rename your account at the top of the page. Please be aware that you may only rename your account once every ninety days, and if the link is not visible, that means your account was renamed too recently.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-acctnameinuse">Someone registered an account name I want to use and isn't using it, can I have it?</a> <p id="faq-item-acctnameinuse" class="hidden">If someone has registered a username that you would like and has had no activity on the site, we will be glad to "clear up" the username so that you may have it in most circumstances. Please contact a moderator for assistance with this.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Bans and Deletions</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-appealban">Why am I banned? How do I appeal it?</a> <div id="faq-item-appealban" class="hidden"> <p>Ban messages will include a reason for the ban. Note that, due to how IP addresses work, you may have ended up with an IP address that was banned while someone else used it.</p> <p><a href="/pages/contact">Contact us</a> if you want to appeal a ban, or you think a ban is incorrectly affecting you. Discord and IRC are preferred.</p> </div> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whydeleted">Why was my upload deleted?</a> <p id="faq-item-whydeleted" class="hidden">We actively monitor images and will delete any upload that violates the <a href="/pages/rules">Site Rules</a>. The rules give detailed accounts of what is not allowed on the site and will be taken down. If you feel your upload was taken down in error, please don&rsquo;t re-upload it &ndash; contact us first.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Technical Questions</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-logout">Why do I keep getting logged out?</a> <p id="faq-item-logout" class="hidden">To remain logged in, check the box labelled "Remember Me" on the log in screen. Additionally, an occasional bug in the authentication framework the site uses may prevent you from using more than one simultaneous login. Please log out of all instances and try again.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-philomena">What is 'philomena'?</a> <p id="faq-item-philomena" class="hidden">The site is powered by a custom <a href="">Phoenix</a> application developed by the Derpibooru team. Philomena is a phoenix character in MLP:FiM and gives the application its name.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Takedowns and Do-Not-Post Requests</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-takedowns">Can I get my artwork removed?</a> <p id="faq-item-takedowns" class="hidden">This imageboard is dedicated to AI generated images and assisted artworks, and original artworks that were not created or enhanced by AI should not be posted on the site in the first place.<br /><br />If you are the creator of an original artwork that was not created or enhanced by AI and you would like it removed from the site, please contact the site administrator and provide proof of ownership in order to have it removed. It is expected that any images that were created using original artwork as a base had the permission of the original artist to be posted on the site. If this is not the case, please report the image to the site staff.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-copyright">You're violating my copyright and I want to sue you!</a> <p id="faq-item-copyright" class="hidden">Formal takedown notices will be dealt with as rapidly as a normal takedown request, and will only make your lawyers richer. We recommend submitting a report, since this method is significantly faster, easier, and does not involve anyone paying any lawyers anything.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-commtakedown">I don't want an image I commissioned on this site, how do I delete it?</a> <p id="faq-item-commtakedown" class="hidden">By default, ownership of commissioned images remains with the person who created the image, not the person who commissioned it. The person who created the image is the only one who may request a takedown, unless a transfer of rights has been agreed on and properly documented.</p> </li> </ul> </div>
Admin<div class="walloftext"> <h2>General</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatistantabus">What is this place and why is my art here?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatistantabus" class="hidden">Tantabus is an imageboard that hosts AI generated images related to the MLP franchise. It is a place for creators and enthusiasts to share and discuss AI images and AI assisted artwork, as well as to learn from and inspire each other. If your work is here, it is likely because it was generated or created using AI and was uploaded to the site by another user.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-derpi">Is this a Derpibooru alternative?</a> <p id="faq-item-derpi" class="hidden">No; the purpose of this site is to host AI generated and assisted artworks regardless of whether or not they’re hosted elsewhere, and does not intend to be an alternative for any other site.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-likeanon">Is it possible to remain anonymous on this website? What benefits do I get from registering?</a> <p id="faq-item-likeanon" class="hidden">An account is not necessary to view images and change between default filters. However registered users have an option to hide their username when posting comments and uploading images. Registering an account is recommended, as that allows for creating and managing custom filters and galleries, voting on images and adding them to favorites, sending private messages, and more!</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-staff">Who runs this site?</a> <p id="faq-item-staff" class="hidden">Tantabus is run by a small team of volunteers that enjoy the MLP fandom and are excited about AI for image creation. You can view a list at our <a href="/staff">staff page</a>.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-helpout">How can I help out on the site?</a> <p id="faq-item-helpout" class="hidden">Simple! The best way to help out is by submitting high quality images created by AI (in full or in part), and helping make sure that the tags and sources of images to help make sure everything is properly organized.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Rule Explanations</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisbait">Rule 0: What does&nbsp;"attempt to cause fights or drag the site down in flamewars" mean?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisbait" class="hidden">Attempting to cause fights or drag the site down in flamewars refers to behaviors that are intended to stir up conflict or drama on the site. This could include posting inflammatory or divisive content, intentionally starting arguments with other users, or trying to incite others to engage in inappropriate or disruptive behavior. It is important to note that some creations may contain imagery that some users may find controversial or offensive. However, this does not excuse behavior that is intended to offend or harm others. Such actions can be harmful and disruptive to the community and are not tolerated on the site.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisharassment">Rule 0: What does harass mean?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisharassment" class="hidden">Any behavior that is intended to intimidate, threaten, or cause distress to another person, such as by using threatening language, bullying, doxxing, stalking, slander and any other behavior that is meant to harm or intimidate another person. It is important to note that certain leeway may be given in regards to public figures or groups, such as politicians or hate groups, as long as it does not cross the line into threats against individuals or calls for violence. However, general harassment of any kind is not tolerated on our site and we encourage users to report any instances of harassment to site staff.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisdiscrimination">Rule 0: What is discrimination?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisdiscrimination" class="hidden">Discrimination refers to the act of unfairly treating or prejudicing someone based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. This type of behavior is not tolerated on our site and we ask that users respect the diversity and dignity of all individuals. The portrayal of discrimination is not itself forbidden as long as it is not being promoted; criticizing discrimination is allowed, but racist propaganda and stereotypes are not.<br /><br />While images featuring in-universe fictional discrimination, such as between fictional species or cultures, are allowed on the site, these should not be used as a proxy for real world discrimination.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-artistupload">Rule 1: I'm an artist, can I post my non-AI related works here?</a> <p id="faq-item-artistupload" class="hidden">While we appreciate the interest, we would prefer to keep this site focused on AI related content (art generated by AI, where AI was used as a tool, guides and tutorials for using AI, etc.)<br /><br /> Non-AI related works would be better served on a site like Derpibooru.</p></li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-sketches">Rule 1: I have a sketch from an artist, can I use that?</a> <p id="faq-item-sketches" class="hidden">Only if the sketch is definitely abandoned (not an active WiP), was never part of any commercial project, the artist has been OK with edits of their work in the past, and the artist is fully credited for their work.<br /><br /> Please check with the artist first, as otherwise the image may still be removed.</p></li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-styles">Rule 1: About artist similarity, can I use style prompts?</a> <p id="faq-item-styles" class="hidden">We only care about the end result image, not about what prompts or editing the image went through during its creation. If an uploaded image closely resembles the work of a pony / furry artist, to the point it may be confused as theirs or seen as impersonation, it will be removed.<br /><br /> By default we assume artists do not approve of these kinds of impersonation; if there’s a case to the contrary, please make us aware of it to avoid unnecessary removals.</p></li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisgraphiccontroversial">Rule 7: What is graphic or highly controversial?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisgraphiccontroversial" class="hidden">This refers mainly to what would be hidden by the Default filter for sexual, horror, or controversy reasons. For instance, exposed breasts, gore, or racism and related symbols. Things Default only spoilers are <em>generally</em> fine, and some things it hides may be okay due to not being graphic, but in gray areas, it is best to get staff approval.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-publicfigure">Rule 8: What is a public figure?</a> <p id="faq-item-publicfigure" class="hidden">"Public figures" are individuals who have a public presence and are well-known by the general public, such as politicians, celebrities, and other high-profile individuals.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-anatomy">Rule 9: What is "clearly broken anatomy"?</a> <p id="faq-item-anatomy" class="hidden">"Clearly broken anatomy" would be things like too many limbs, heads twisted in impossible angles, joints bent the wrong way, etc.<br /><br />Things like low detail or slightly deformed hands are allowed, but should be properly tagged.<br /><br />Please check <a href="/pages/aibasequality">this page</a> for more information.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-signatures">Rule 9: What are "fake signatures or watermarks"?</a> <p id="faq-item-signatures" class="hidden">Many AIs will occasionally add something that looks like a signature or text on the corner of an image, as these are common elements in training data. You should further work on the image to remove such artifacts before uploading.<br /><br />Note that this does not include signatures included intentionally to identify an image’s creator.<br /><br />Please check <a href="/pages/aibasequality">this page</a> for more information.</p></p> <p id="faq-item-signatures" class="hidden">Many AIs will occasionally add something that looks like a signature or text on the corner of an image, as these are common elements in training data. You should further work on the image to remove such artifacts before uploading.<br /><br />Note that this does not include signatures included intentionally to identify an image’s creator.<br /><br />Please check <a href="/pages/aibasequality">this page</a> for more information.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-spam">Rule 9: What is spam in this context?</a> <p id="faq-item-spam" class="hidden">Spam in the context of Rule #9 refers to uploading multiple images in a short time that show very little variance, either because they’re the same prompt run multiple times giving similar results, or because they’re iterations / refinements leading to a final image.<br /><br />If you’ve created multiple images that contain the same character, pose, style, or other defining elements, please choose the ones you like the most for upload, or space them out in a reasonable manner.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Images, Tags, and Sources</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whataretags">What are tags?</a> <p id="faq-item-whataretags" class="hidden">Tags are how imageboards stay organized. They are used to describe images, including information such as the creator of the image, the character(s) in the image, theme of an image, and more. Using tags allows anyone to quickly and easily find the images that they are looking for.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whattags">What tags should I add to an image?</a> <p id="faq-item-whattags" class="hidden">Tags should accurately describe the contents, such as characters, a theme, OCs, and items, and meta-information, such as the creator and rating of an image.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-anytags">Can I add any tag I want to images?</a> <p id="faq-item-anytags" class="hidden">No. Tags must accurately reflect the image. Adding random, nonsensical, or irrelevant tags to an image, as well as removing valid tags from an image, is considered tag vandalism and if done intentionally will result in a ban.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-aliasing">I found two tags that mean the same thing, what should I do?</a> <p id="faq-item-aliasing" class="hidden">You should conact staff and highlight the issue; an alias may be created to unify both tags.</p> <p id="faq-item-aliasing" class="hidden">You can check the <a href="/forums/tagging">Tagging Forum</a> and propose an alias to unify both tags. Contact staff before engaging in any kind of mass retaggin.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whocanedit">Who can edit tags and the source URL on an image?</a> <p id="faq-item-whocanedit" class="hidden">Any non-banned registered user can.</p> <p id="faq-item-whocanedit" class="hidden">Anyone can.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-updateimages">How do I update images?</a> <p id="faq-item-updateimages" class="hidden">If an image has been updated or fixed by the creator, upload it and report the old image as a duplicate of the new. Click the "Reporting" tab on the old image, then "Updated or previously uploaded", and enter the ID number&nbsp;of the newer image. All duplicate reports are processed manually by a member of the site staff, and will be looked at as soon as possible.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-favevote">What is the difference between favorites and votes?</a> <p id="faq-item-favevote" class="hidden">Voting lets you show your approval for an image privately. It only changes the score of an image. Faving automatically upvotes an image, but the fave is public. Please note that anyone can fave on an image, or search images faved by any user.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Accounts</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-deleteacct">How do I delete my account?</a> <p id="faq-item-deleteacct" class="hidden">It is not possible to fully delete accounts. You can request that your account be deactivated and have all personally identifiable information (such as your email and IP address) wiped by contacting [email protected] from the email address associated with the account. Note that if you wish to have your username no longer associated with the site, you must change it before submitting the request.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-renameacct">How do I rename my account?</a> <p id="faq-item-renameacct" class="hidden">You may rename your account by going to your <a href="/registration/edit">Account Settings</a> page, and looking for the the link to rename your account at the top of the page. Please be aware that you may only rename your account once every ninety days, and if the link is not visible, that means your account was renamed too recently.</p> <p id="faq-item-renameacct" class="hidden">You may rename your account by going to your <a href="/registrations/edit">Account</a> page, and looking for the the link to rename your account at the top of the page. Please be aware that you may only rename your account once every ninety days, and if the link is not visible, that means your account was renamed too recently.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-acctnameinuse">Someone registered an account name I want to use and isn't using it, can I have it?</a> <p id="faq-item-acctnameinuse" class="hidden">If someone has registered a username that you would like and has had no activity on the site, we will be glad to "clear up" the username so that you may have it in most circumstances. Please contact a moderator for assistance with this.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Bans and Deletions</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-appealban">Why am I banned? How do I appeal it?</a> <div id="faq-item-appealban" class="hidden"> <p>Ban messages will include a reason for the ban. Note that, due to how IP addresses work, you may have ended up with an IP address that was banned while someone else used it.</p> <p><a href="/pages/contact">Contact us</a> if you want to appeal a ban, or you think a ban is incorrectly affecting you. Discord and IRC are preferred.</p> </div> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whydeleted">Why was my upload deleted?</a> <p id="faq-item-whydeleted" class="hidden">We actively monitor images and will delete any upload that violates the <a href="/pages/rules">Site Rules</a>. The rules give detailed accounts of what is not allowed on the site and will be taken down. If you feel your upload was taken down in error, please don&rsquo;t re-upload it &ndash; contact us first.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Technical Questions</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-logout">Why do I keep getting logged out?</a> <p id="faq-item-logout" class="hidden">To remain logged in, check the box labelled "Remember Me" on the log in screen. Additionally, an occasional bug in the authentication framework the site uses may prevent you from using more than one simultaneous login. Please log out of all instances and try again.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-philomena">What is 'philomena'?</a> <p id="faq-item-philomena" class="hidden">The site is powered by a custom <a href="">Phoenix</a> application developed by the Derpibooru team. Philomena is a phoenix character in MLP:FiM and gives the application its name.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Takedowns and Do-Not-Post Requests</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-takedowns">Can I get my artwork removed?</a> <p id="faq-item-takedowns" class="hidden">This imageboard is dedicated to AI generated images and assisted artworks, and original artworks that were not created or enhanced by AI should not be posted on the site in the first place.<br /><br />If you are the creator of an original artwork that was not created or enhanced by AI and you would like it removed from the site, please contact the site administrator and provide proof of ownership in order to have it removed. It is expected that any images that were created using original artwork as a base had the permission of the original artist to be posted on the site. If this is not the case, please report the image to the site staff.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-copyright">You're violating my copyright and I want to sue you!</a> <p id="faq-item-copyright" class="hidden">Formal takedown notices will be dealt with as rapidly as a normal takedown request, and will only make your lawyers richer. We recommend submitting a report, since this method is significantly faster, easier, and does not involve anyone paying any lawyers anything.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-commtakedown">I don't want an image I commissioned on this site, how do I delete it?</a> <p id="faq-item-commtakedown" class="hidden">By default, ownership of commissioned images remains with the person who created the image, not the person who commissioned it. The person who created the image is the only one who may request a takedown, unless a transfer of rights has been agreed on and properly documented.</p> </li> </ul> </div>
Admin<div class="walloftext"> <h2>General</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatistantabus">What is this place and why is my art here?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatistantabus" class="hidden">Tantabus is an imageboard that hosts AI generated images related to the MLP franchise. It is a place for creators and enthusiasts to share and discuss AI images and AI assisted artwork, as well as to learn from and inspire each other. If your work is here, it is likely because it was generated or created using AI and was uploaded to the site by another user.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-derpi">Is this a Derpibooru alternative?</a> <p id="faq-item-derpi" class="hidden">No; the purpose of this site is to host AI generated and assisted artworks regardless of whether or not they’re hosted elsewhere, and does not intend to be an alternative for any other site.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-likeanon">Is it possible to remain anonymous on this website? What benefits do I get from registering?</a> <p id="faq-item-likeanon" class="hidden">An account is not necessary to view images and change between default filters. However registered users have an option to hide their username when posting comments and uploading images. Registering an account is recommended, as that allows for creating and managing custom filters and galleries, voting on images and adding them to favorites, sending private messages, and more!</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-staff">Who runs this site?</a> <p id="faq-item-staff" class="hidden">Tantabus is run by a small team of volunteers that enjoy the MLP fandom and are excited about AI for image creation. You can view a list at our <a href="/staff">staff page</a>.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-helpout">How can I help out on the site?</a> <p id="faq-item-helpout" class="hidden">Simple! The best way to help out is by submitting high quality images created by AI (in full or in part), and helping make sure that the tags and sources of images to help make sure everything is properly organized.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Rule Explanations</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisbait">Rule 0: What does&nbsp;"attempt to cause fights or drag the site down in flamewars" mean?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisbait" class="hidden">Attempting to cause fights or drag the site down in flamewars refers to behaviors that are intended to stir up conflict or drama on the site. This could include posting inflammatory or divisive content, intentionally starting arguments with other users, or trying to incite others to engage in inappropriate or disruptive behavior. It is important to note that some creations may contain imagery that some users may find controversial or offensive. However, this does not excuse behavior that is intended to offend or harm others. Such actions can be harmful and disruptive to the community and are not tolerated on the site.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisharassment">Rule 0: What does harass mean?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisharassment" class="hidden">Any behavior that is intended to intimidate, threaten, or cause distress to another person, such as by using threatening language, bullying, doxxing, stalking, slander and any other behavior that is meant to harm or intimidate another person. It is important to note that certain leeway may be given in regards to public figures or groups, such as politicians or hate groups, as long as it does not cross the line into threats against individuals or calls for violence. However, general harassment of any kind is not tolerated on our site and we encourage users to report any instances of harassment to site staff.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisdiscrimination">Rule 0: What is discrimination?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisdiscrimination" class="hidden">Discrimination refers to the act of unfairly treating or prejudicing someone based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. This type of behavior is not tolerated on our site and we ask that users respect the diversity and dignity of all individuals. The portrayal of discrimination is not itself forbidden as long as it is not being promoted; criticizing discrimination is allowed, but racist propaganda and stereotypes are not.<br /><br />While images featuring in-universe fictional discrimination, such as between fictional species or cultures, are allowed on the site, these should not be used as a proxy for real world discrimination.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-artistupload">Rule 1: I'm an artist, can I post my non-AI related works here?</a> <p id="faq-item-artistupload" class="hidden">While we appreciate the interest, we would prefer to keep this site focused on AI related content (art generated by AI, where AI was used as a tool, guides and tutorials for using AI, etc.)<br /><br /> Non-AI related works would be better served on a site like Derpibooru.</p></li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-sketches">Rule 1: I have a sketch from an artist, can I use that?</a> <p id="faq-item-sketches" class="hidden">Only if the sketch is definitely abandoned (not an active WiP), was never part of any commercial project, the artist has been OK with edits of their work in the past, and the artist is fully credited for their work.<br /><br /> Please check with the artist first, as otherwise the image may still be removed.</p></li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-styles">Rule 1: About artist similarity, can I use style prompts?</a> <p id="faq-item-styles" class="hidden">We only care about the end result image, not about what prompts or editing the image went through during its creation. If an uploaded image closely resembles the work of a pony / furry artist, to the point it may be confused as theirs or seen as impersonation, it will be removed.<br /><br /> By default we assume artists do not approve of these kinds of impersonation; if there’s a case to the contrary, please make us aware of it to avoid unnecessary removals.</p></li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisgraphiccontroversial">Rule 7: What is graphic or highly controversial?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisgraphiccontroversial" class="hidden">This refers mainly to what would be hidden by the Default filter for sexual, horror, or controversy reasons. For instance, exposed breasts, gore, or racism and related symbols. Things Default only spoilers are <em>generally</em> fine, and some things it hides may be okay due to not being graphic, but in gray areas, it is best to get staff approval.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-publicfigure">Rule 8: What is a public figure?</a> <p id="faq-item-publicfigure" class="hidden">"Public figures" are individuals who have a public presence and are well-known by the general public, such as politicians, celebrities, and other high-profile individuals.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-anatomy">Rule 9: What is "clearly broken anatomy"?</a> <p id="faq-item-anatomy" class="hidden">"Clearly broken anatomy" would be things like too many limbs, heads twisted in impossible angles, joints bent the wrong way, etc.<br /><br />Things like low detail or slightly deformed hands are allowed, but should be properly tagged.</p> <p id="faq-item-anatomy" class="hidden">"Clearly broken anatomy" would be things like too many limbs, heads twisted in impossible angles, joints bent the wrong way, etc.<br /><br />Things like low detail or slightly deformed hands are allowed, but should be properly tagged.<br /><br />Please check <a href="/pages/aibasequality">this page</a> for more information.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-signatures">Rule 9: What are "fake signatures or watermarks"?</a> <p id="faq-item-signatures" class="hidden">Many AIs will occasionally add something that looks like a signature or text on the corner of an image, as these are common elements in training data. You should further work on the image to remove such artifacts before uploading.<br /><br />Note that this does not include signatures included intentionally to identify an image’s creator.</p> <p id="faq-item-signatures" class="hidden">Many AIs will occasionally add something that looks like a signature or text on the corner of an image, as these are common elements in training data. You should further work on the image to remove such artifacts before uploading.<br /><br />Note that this does not include signatures included intentionally to identify an image’s creator.<br /><br />Please check <a href="/pages/aibasequality">this page</a> for more information.</p></p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-spam">Rule 9: What is spam in this context?</a> <p id="faq-item-spam" class="hidden">Spam in the context of Rule #9 refers to uploading multiple images in a short time that show very little variance, either because they’re the same prompt run multiple times giving similar results, or because they’re iterations / refinements leading to a final image.<br /><br />If you’ve created multiple images that contain the same character, pose, style, or other defining elements, please choose the ones you like the most for upload, or space them out in a reasonable manner.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Images, Tags, and Sources</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whataretags">What are tags?</a> <p id="faq-item-whataretags" class="hidden">Tags are how imageboards stay organized. They are used to describe images, including information such as the creator of the image, the character(s) in the image, theme of an image, and more. Using tags allows anyone to quickly and easily find the images that they are looking for.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whattags">What tags should I add to an image?</a> <p id="faq-item-whattags" class="hidden">Tags should accurately describe the contents, such as characters, a theme, OCs, and items, and meta-information, such as the creator and rating of an image.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-anytags">Can I add any tag I want to images?</a> <p id="faq-item-anytags" class="hidden">No. Tags must accurately reflect the image. Adding random, nonsensical, or irrelevant tags to an image, as well as removing valid tags from an image, is considered tag vandalism and if done intentionally will result in a ban.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-aliasing">I found two tags that mean the same thing, what should I do?</a> <p id="faq-item-aliasing" class="hidden">You should conact staff and highlight the issue; an alias may be created to unify both tags.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whocanedit">Who can edit tags and the source URL on an image?</a> <p id="faq-item-whocanedit" class="hidden">Any non-banned registered user can.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-updateimages">How do I update images?</a> <p id="faq-item-updateimages" class="hidden">If an image has been updated or fixed by the creator, upload it and report the old image as a duplicate of the new. Click the "Reporting" tab on the old image, then "Updated or previously uploaded", and enter the ID number&nbsp;of the newer image. All duplicate reports are processed manually by a member of the site staff, and will be looked at as soon as possible.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-favevote">What is the difference between favorites and votes?</a> <p id="faq-item-favevote" class="hidden">Voting lets you show your approval for an image privately. It only changes the score of an image. Faving automatically upvotes an image, but the fave is public. Please note that anyone can fave on an image, or search images faved by any user.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Accounts</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-deleteacct">How do I delete my account?</a> <p id="faq-item-deleteacct" class="hidden">It is not possible to fully delete accounts. You can request that your account be deactivated and have all personally identifiable information (such as your email and IP address) wiped by contacting [email protected] from the email address associated with the account. Note that if you wish to have your username no longer associated with the site, you must change it before submitting the request.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-renameacct">How do I rename my account?</a> <p id="faq-item-renameacct" class="hidden">You may rename your account by going to your <a href="/registration/edit">Account Settings</a> page, and looking for the the link to rename your account at the top of the page. Please be aware that you may only rename your account once every ninety days, and if the link is not visible, that means your account was renamed too recently.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-acctnameinuse">Someone registered an account name I want to use and isn't using it, can I have it?</a> <p id="faq-item-acctnameinuse" class="hidden">If someone has registered a username that you would like and has had no activity on the site, we will be glad to "clear up" the username so that you may have it in most circumstances. Please contact a moderator for assistance with this.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Bans and Deletions</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-appealban">Why am I banned? How do I appeal it?</a> <div id="faq-item-appealban" class="hidden"> <p>Ban messages will include a reason for the ban. Note that, due to how IP addresses work, you may have ended up with an IP address that was banned while someone else used it.</p> <p><a href="/pages/contact">Contact us</a> if you want to appeal a ban, or you think a ban is incorrectly affecting you. Discord and IRC are preferred.</p> </div> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whydeleted">Why was my upload deleted?</a> <p id="faq-item-whydeleted" class="hidden">We actively monitor images and will delete any upload that violates the <a href="/pages/rules">Site Rules</a>. The rules give detailed accounts of what is not allowed on the site and will be taken down. If you feel your upload was taken down in error, please don&rsquo;t re-upload it &ndash; contact us first.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Technical Questions</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-logout">Why do I keep getting logged out?</a> <p id="faq-item-logout" class="hidden">To remain logged in, check the box labelled "Remember Me" on the log in screen. Additionally, an occasional bug in the authentication framework the site uses may prevent you from using more than one simultaneous login. Please log out of all instances and try again.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-philomena">What is 'philomena'?</a> <p id="faq-item-philomena" class="hidden">The site is powered by a custom <a href="">Phoenix</a> application developed by the Derpibooru team. Philomena is a phoenix character in MLP:FiM and gives the application its name.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Takedowns and Do-Not-Post Requests</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-takedowns">Can I get my artwork removed?</a> <p id="faq-item-takedowns" class="hidden">This imageboard is dedicated to AI generated images and assisted artworks, and original artworks that were not created or enhanced by AI should not be posted on the site in the first place.<br /><br />If you are the creator of an original artwork that was not created or enhanced by AI and you would like it removed from the site, please contact the site administrator and provide proof of ownership in order to have it removed. It is expected that any images that were created using original artwork as a base had the permission of the original artist to be posted on the site. If this is not the case, please report the image to the site staff.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-copyright">You're violating my copyright and I want to sue you!</a> <p id="faq-item-copyright" class="hidden">Formal takedown notices will be dealt with as rapidly as a normal takedown request, and will only make your lawyers richer. We recommend submitting a report, since this method is significantly faster, easier, and does not involve anyone paying any lawyers anything.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-commtakedown">I don't want an image I commissioned on this site, how do I delete it?</a> <p id="faq-item-commtakedown" class="hidden">By default, ownership of commissioned images remains with the person who created the image, not the person who commissioned it. The person who created the image is the only one who may request a takedown, unless a transfer of rights has been agreed on and properly documented.</p> </li> </ul> </div>
Admin<div class="walloftext"> <h2>General</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatistantabus">What is this place and why is my art here?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatistantabus" class="hidden">Tantabus is an imageboard that hosts AI generated images related to the MLP franchise. It is a place for creators and enthusiasts to share and discuss AI artwork, as well as to learn from and inspire each other. If your work is here, it is likely because it was generated or created using AI and was uploaded to the site by another user.</p> <p id="faq-item-whatistantabus" class="hidden">Tantabus is an imageboard that hosts AI generated images related to the MLP franchise. It is a place for creators and enthusiasts to share and discuss AI images and AI assisted artwork, as well as to learn from and inspire each other. If your work is here, it is likely because it was generated or created using AI and was uploaded to the site by another user.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-derpi">Is this a Derpibooru alternative?</a> <p id="faq-item-derpi" class="hidden">No; the purpose of this site is to host AI generated and assisted artworks regardless of whether or not they’re hosted elsewhere, and does not intend to be an alternative for any other site.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-likeanon">Is it possible to remain anonymous on this website? What benefits do I get from registering?</a> <p id="faq-item-likeanon" class="hidden">An account is not necessary to view images and change between default filters. However registered users have an option to hide their username when posting comments and uploading images. Registering an account is recommended, as that allows for creating and managing custom filters and galleries, voting on images and adding them to favorites, sending private messages, and more!</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-staff">Who runs this site?</a> <p id="faq-item-staff" class="hidden">Tantabus is run by a small team of volunteers that enjoy the MLP fandom and are excited about AI art. You can view a list at our <a href="/staff">staff page</a>.</p> <p id="faq-item-staff" class="hidden">Tantabus is run by a small team of volunteers that enjoy the MLP fandom and are excited about AI for image creation. You can view a list at our <a href="/staff">staff page</a>.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-helpout">How can I help out on the site?</a> <p id="faq-item-helpout" class="hidden">Simple! The best way to help out is by submitting high quality images created by AI (in full or in part), and helping make sure that the tags and sources of images to help make sure everything is properly organized.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Rule Explanations</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisbait">Rule 0: What does&nbsp;"attempt to cause fights or drag the site down in flamewars" mean?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisbait" class="hidden">Attempting to cause fights or drag the site down in flamewars refers to behaviors that are intended to stir up conflict or drama on the site. This could include posting inflammatory or divisive content, intentionally starting arguments with other users, or trying to incite others to engage in inappropriate or disruptive behavior. It is important to note that some artworks may contain imagery that some users may find controversial or offensive. However, this does not excuse behavior that is intended to offend or harm others. Such actions can be harmful and disruptive to the community and are not tolerated on the site.</p> <p id="faq-item-whatisbait" class="hidden">Attempting to cause fights or drag the site down in flamewars refers to behaviors that are intended to stir up conflict or drama on the site. This could include posting inflammatory or divisive content, intentionally starting arguments with other users, or trying to incite others to engage in inappropriate or disruptive behavior. It is important to note that some creations may contain imagery that some users may find controversial or offensive. However, this does not excuse behavior that is intended to offend or harm others. Such actions can be harmful and disruptive to the community and are not tolerated on the site.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisharassment">Rule 0: What does harass mean?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisharassment" class="hidden">Any behavior that is intended to intimidate, threaten, or cause distress to another person, such as by using threatening language, bullying, doxxing, stalking, slander and any other behavior that is meant to harm or intimidate another person. It is important to note that certain leeway may be given in regards to public figures or groups, such as politicians or hate groups, as long as it does not cross the line into threats against individuals or calls for violence. However, general harassment of any kind is not tolerated on our site and we encourage users to report any instances of harassment to site staff.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisdiscrimination">Rule 0: What is discrimination?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisdiscrimination" class="hidden">Discrimination refers to the act of unfairly treating or prejudicing someone based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. This type of behavior is not tolerated on our site and we ask that users respect the diversity and dignity of all individuals. The portrayal of discrimination is not itself forbidden as long as it is not being promoted; criticizing discrimination is allowed, but racist propaganda and stereotypes are not.<br /><br />While images featuring in-universe fictional discrimination, such as between fictional species or cultures, are allowed on the site, these should not be used as a proxy for real world discrimination.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-artistupload">Rule 1: I'm an artist, can I post my non-AI related works here?</a> <p id="faq-item-artistupload" class="hidden">While we appreciate the interest, we would prefer to keep this site focused on AI related content (art generated by AI, where AI was used as a tool, guides and tutorials for using AI, etc.)<br /><br /> Non-AI related works would be better served on a site like Derpibooru.</p></li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-sketches">Rule 1: I have a sketch from an artist, can I use that?</a> <p id="faq-item-sketches" class="hidden">Only if the sketch is definitely abandoned (not an active WiP), was never part of any commercial project, the artist has been OK with edits of their work in the past, and the artist is fully credited for their work.<br /><br /> Please check with the artist first, as otherwise the image may still be removed.</p></li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-styles">Rule 1: About artist similarity, can I use style prompts?</a> <p id="faq-item-styles" class="hidden">We only care about the end result image, not about what prompts or editing the image went through during its creation. If an uploaded image closely resembles the work of a pony / furry artist, to the point it may be confused as theirs or seen as impersonation, it will be removed.<br /><br /> By default we assume artists do not approve of these kinds of impersonation; if there’s a case to the contrary, please make us aware of it to avoid unnecessary removals.</p></li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whatisgraphiccontroversial">Rule 7: What is graphic or highly controversial?</a> <p id="faq-item-whatisgraphiccontroversial" class="hidden">This refers mainly to what would be hidden by the Default filter for sexual, horror, or controversy reasons. For instance, exposed breasts, gore, or racism and related symbols. Things Default only spoilers are <em>generally</em> fine, and some things it hides may be okay due to not being graphic, but in gray areas, it is best to get staff approval.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-publicfigure">Rule 8: What is a public figure?</a> <p id="faq-item-publicfigure" class="hidden">"Public figures" are individuals who have a public presence and are well-known by the general public, such as politicians, celebrities, and other high-profile individuals.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-anatomy">Rule 9: What is "clearly broken anatomy"?</a> <p id="faq-item-anatomy" class="hidden">"Clearly broken anatomy" would be things like too many limbs, heads twisted in impossible angles, joints bent the wrong way, etc.<br /><br />Things like low detail or slightly deformed hands are allowed, but should be properly tagged.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-signatures">Rule 9: What are "fake signatures or watermarks"?</a> <p id="faq-item-signatures" class="hidden">Many AIs will occasionally add something that looks like a signature or text on the corner of an image, as these are common elements in training data. You should further work on the image to remove such artifacts before uploading.<br /><br />Note that this does not include signatures included intentionally to identify an image’s creator.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-spam">Rule 9: What is spam in this context?</a> <p id="faq-item-spam" class="hidden">Spam in the context of Rule #9 refers to uploading multiple images in a short time that show very little variance, either because they’re the same prompt run multiple times giving similar results, or because they’re iterations / refinements leading to a final image.<br /><br />If you’ve created multiple images that contain the same character, pose, style, or other defining elements, please choose the ones you like the most for upload, or space them out in a reasonable manner.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Images, Tags, and Sources</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whataretags">What are tags?</a> <p id="faq-item-whataretags" class="hidden">Tags are how imageboards stay organized. They are used to describe images, including information such as the creator of the image, the character(s) in the image, theme of an image, and more. Using tags allows anyone to quickly and easily find the images that they are looking for.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whattags">What tags should I add to an image?</a> <p id="faq-item-whattags" class="hidden">Tags should accurately describe the contents, such as characters, a theme, OCs, and items, and meta-information, such as the creator and rating of an image.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-anytags">Can I add any tag I want to images?</a> <p id="faq-item-anytags" class="hidden">No. Tags must accurately reflect the image. Adding random, nonsensical, or irrelevant tags to an image, as well as removing valid tags from an image, is considered tag vandalism and if done intentionally will result in a ban.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-aliasing">I found two tags that mean the same thing, what should I do?</a> <p id="faq-item-aliasing" class="hidden">You should conact staff and highlight the issue; an alias may be created to unify both tags.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whocanedit">Who can edit tags and the source URL on an image?</a> <p id="faq-item-whocanedit" class="hidden">Any non-banned registered user can.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-updateimages">How do I update images?</a> <p id="faq-item-updateimages" class="hidden">If an image has been updated or fixed by the creator, upload it and report the old image as a duplicate of the new. Click the "Reporting" tab on the old image, then "Updated or previously uploaded", and enter the ID number&nbsp;of the newer image. All duplicate reports are processed manually by a member of the site staff, and will be looked at as soon as possible.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-favevote">What is the difference between favorites and votes?</a> <p id="faq-item-favevote" class="hidden">Voting lets you show your approval for an image privately. It only changes the score of an image. Faving automatically upvotes an image, but the fave is public. Please note that anyone can fave on an image, or search images faved by any user.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Accounts</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-deleteacct">How do I delete my account?</a> <p id="faq-item-deleteacct" class="hidden">It is not possible to fully delete accounts. You can request that your account be deactivated and have all personally identifiable information (such as your email and IP address) wiped by contacting [email protected] from the email address associated with the account. Note that if you wish to have your username no longer associated with the site, you must change it before submitting the request.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-renameacct">How do I rename my account?</a> <p id="faq-item-renameacct" class="hidden">You may rename your account by going to your <a href="/registration/edit">Account Settings</a> page, and looking for the the link to rename your account at the top of the page. Please be aware that you may only rename your account once every ninety days, and if the link is not visible, that means your account was renamed too recently.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-acctnameinuse">Someone registered an account name I want to use and isn't using it, can I have it?</a> <p id="faq-item-acctnameinuse" class="hidden">If someone has registered a username that you would like and has had no activity on the site, we will be glad to "clear up" the username so that you may have it in most circumstances. Please contact a moderator for assistance with this.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Bans and Deletions</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-appealban">Why am I banned? How do I appeal it?</a> <div id="faq-item-appealban" class="hidden"> <p>Ban messages will include a reason for the ban. Note that, due to how IP addresses work, you may have ended up with an IP address that was banned while someone else used it.</p> <p><a href="/pages/contact">Contact us</a> if you want to appeal a ban, or you think a ban is incorrectly affecting you. Discord and IRC are preferred.</p> </div> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-whydeleted">Why was my upload deleted?</a> <p id="faq-item-whydeleted" class="hidden">We actively monitor images and will delete any upload that violates the <a href="/pages/rules">Site Rules</a>. The rules give detailed accounts of what is not allowed on the site and will be taken down. If you feel your upload was taken down in error, please don&rsquo;t re-upload it &ndash; contact us first.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Technical Questions</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-logout">Why do I keep getting logged out?</a> <p id="faq-item-logout" class="hidden">To remain logged in, check the box labelled "Remember Me" on the log in screen. Additionally, an occasional bug in the authentication framework the site uses may prevent you from using more than one simultaneous login. Please log out of all instances and try again.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-philomena">What is 'philomena'?</a> <p id="faq-item-philomena" class="hidden">The site is powered by a custom <a href="">Phoenix</a> application developed by the Derpibooru team. Philomena is a phoenix character in MLP:FiM and gives the application its name.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Takedowns and Do-Not-Post Requests</h2> <ul> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-takedowns">Can I get my artwork removed?</a> <p id="faq-item-takedowns" class="hidden">This imageboard is dedicated to AI generated and assisted artworks, and original artworks that were not created or enhanced by AI should not be posted on the site in the first place.<br /><br />If you are the creator of an original artwork that was not created or enhanced by AI and you would like it removed from the site, please contact the site administrator and provide proof of ownership in order to have it removed. It is expected that any images that were created using original artwork as a base had the permission of the original artist to be posted on the site. If this is not the case, please report the image to the site staff.</p> <p id="faq-item-takedowns" class="hidden">This imageboard is dedicated to AI generated images and assisted artworks, and original artworks that were not created or enhanced by AI should not be posted on the site in the first place.<br /><br />If you are the creator of an original artwork that was not created or enhanced by AI and you would like it removed from the site, please contact the site administrator and provide proof of ownership in order to have it removed. It is expected that any images that were created using original artwork as a base had the permission of the original artist to be posted on the site. If this is not the case, please report the image to the site staff.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-copyright">You're violating my copyright and I want to sue you!</a> <p id="faq-item-copyright" class="hidden">Formal takedown notices will be dealt with as rapidly as a normal takedown request, and will only make your lawyers richer. We recommend submitting a report, since this method is significantly faster, easier, and does not involve anyone paying any lawyers anything.</p> </li> <li><a class="togglable-faq-item" href="#" data-click-toggle="#faq-item-commtakedown">I don't want an image I commissioned on this site, how do I delete it?</a> <p id="faq-item-commtakedown" class="hidden">By default, ownership of commissioned images remains with the person who created the image, not the person who commissioned it. The artist who created the image is the only one who may request a takedown, unless a transfer of rights has been agreed on and properly documented.</p> <p id="faq-item-commtakedown" class="hidden">By default, ownership of commissioned images remains with the person who created the image, not the person who commissioned it. The person who created the image is the only one who may request a takedown, unless a transfer of rights has been agreed on and properly documented.</p> </li> </ul> </div>