The table was now quiet. Celestia hadn’t moved or interjected, much like Benny seated between her and Twilight. At the same time, Starlight waited uneasily next to Chris, who sat contemplating Twilight’s history of events.Â
“That’s it?” Chris finally asked. “The discussion you had with Discord was different than it should have been, but he never or had you drink that white potion again when you got back to town? To give you a vision to show that he planted the chaos seeds that grew up under Harmony’s tree back when he first went up against Celestia and Luna before he lost?”
Sadly, all Twilight could do was shake her head.
“No. He was surprised that we gave up the Elements of Harmony and either hinted at or joked about returning to his villainous ways. We were all worried that could have been a problem, but Fluttershy reminded him that doing so would end their friendship, so he seemed to give up on the idea of it and even offered to help us clean up from the aftermath.”
This was a composite of 4 different images. Twilight, Starlight, the human character, and the background were all different images that had to be cropped, color-corrected, cleaned up, and have some glaring issues fixed. Also, blurs were added to give the illusion of depth, which I think helped give it a better sense of focus.
Also, Chris’s hand is bandaged and bruised due to a prior conflict he was engaged in from the story preceding the one linked above. This is also the first time I was able to provide a picture of this character for my story, given the issues I had with previous artists dropping, time constraints, and then my health issues limiting my own hand/motor functions and coordination.
Editing is one thing, but for some reason, creating art from the foundation up is something that I can’t seem to build myself up to again at this point. So, for now, I do what I can.