1-2. school daze
3. the maud couple
4. fake it 'til you make it
5. grannies gone wild
6. surf and/or turf
7. horse play
8. the parent map
9. non-compete clause
10. the break up breakdown
11. molt down
12. marks for effort
the mean 614. a matter of principals
15. the hearth's warming club
16. friendship university
17. the end in friend
18. yakity-sax
19. on the road to friendship
20. the washouts (episode)
21. a rockhoof and a hard place
We really do live in the future when computers can draw art better than I can.
An artificial intelligence neural network, essentially, is an infinitely powerful mind that can do more than human mind can faster, but there’s a caveat: a neural network is absolutely brainless once created, so you need to train it with the material you want it to start creating or processing. The more and better you can train the AI the better it can do its job.
Thus, whoever created this neural network has fed it lotsa pony art in an effort to make it create new ponies and new designs, which is why you tend to see both ponies who look very much like an existing one, and ponies who never existed before. Seeing as the art has had a consistent style, he mighta used a specific artist’s art, or he’s merely given the AI parameters that resulted in the style.
But this here looks just like Flutters, so if it wasn’t known the AI is making new designs or new ponies, you’d easily be forgiven to say this is Flutters.