The last thing Blair remembered was falling asleep in his own bed. But now, suspended in some weird tube in some freakish laboratory he’d never seen before in his life, with no idea how he’d gotten there, Blair’s body was rapidly changing. The breathable liquid he floated in seemed to be altering his very DNA with every inhalation. His hair grew long and girlish at an alarming rate; soon, stray strands of luxurious pink mane tickled his waist, then his thighs, presently wafting all the way down to his ankles. Simultaneously, to his horror, he could feel his masculine equipment slowly withering in his shorts as he struggled to hold his breath to little avail. Inhaling deeply at the behest of his screaming lungs, Blair’s hips suddenly flared into a seductive feminine arc as his manhood abruptly inverted itself entirely. Blair’s body twinged at the sensitivity of her new unwelcome deepening womanhood as a shiver recoiled down her spine, reshaping her boxy masculine frame into a frail, slender hourglass shape as it resonated across her figure. Failing once more to hold her breath, another sharp inhalation of the insidious liquid sparked an unpleasant tingling sensation in her upper torso that soon congealed itself into a mounting pressure against her chest. Soon, twin bulbs of flesh began to bud and blossom beneath her nipples as Blair watched helplessly, feeding halting pulsations of burgeoning growth with the steady rhythm of her ineluctable breath. Before she knew it, Blair’s petite frame was the new reluctant host to a plump pair of H cup sized breasts, her engorged nipples still buzzing with hypersensitive nerve-endings in what appeared to be a permanent feature. Lascivious and unfamiliar thoughts flooded her brain against her will. Who was she? A strange new feeling erupted from the sides of the crown of her skull. Her eyes caught a glimpse of her new reflection in the glass encasement surrounding her – were those… pony ears… ?
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