Variational seed is useful to get some changes in the image without changing the base seed, sampler, CFG values, etc. This setting is available in A1111/ComfyUI. Sometimes it can fix some artifacts without changing the composition. It's basically an additional small noise (its weight is also configurable) that is merged with the base noise produced by the base seed.
> Yes you can, make your own workflow
Ah, I see it now, thanks. I wish that was an option in their default linear UI, but I can try to tinker with that.
> Samplers and schedulers are squashed into one option for some reason
In A1111 and ComfyUI Sampler and Scheduler are two different options:

Sometimes I change them independently to get a better generation
> It is there, you have to set them in the models tab and you can then insert them via a menu
I don't see an option to configure autocompletions in the models tab. I think you are talking about something else. What I'm talking about is this:

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