1-2. school daze
3. the maud couple
4. fake it 'til you make it
5. grannies gone wild
6. surf and/or turf
7. horse play
8. the parent map
9. non-compete clause
10. the break up breakdown
11. molt down
12. marks for effort
the mean 614. a matter of principals
15. the hearth's warming club
16. friendship university
17. the end in friend
18. yakity-sax
19. on the road to friendship
20. the washouts (episode)
21. a rockhoof and a hard place
Oh, it’s even worse than you thought. They even steal art from actual artists. For example:
Stolen art: https://www.deviantart.com/lyraheart4/art/Im-down-to-cuddle-993889817
Original: https://www.deviantart.com/ajvl/art/Fluttershy-s-freaky-knowledge-of-Knitting-341489981
It really is a shame. Making AI content is fine but not at all crediting what tool was used and such is really low.
Thanks for catching it. After posting I looked through their gallery and realized they weren’t being honest - not labeling or admitting to AI or reposting others’ work. A shame - some of the art is nice, but I don’t want to upload things that I can’t attribute correctly.
also the resolution