Viewing last 25 versions of post by AIPonyAnon in topic Image Analysis and Feedback Thread


I'm creating this thread in the hope that we can get people to give each other useful feedback on the images that they create. This should help people to develop their own critical eye.

I was going to use 'critique' in the title, but that implies a level of interpretation. The intention here is to give reasonably objective feedback on errors or elements that detract from an image, and well-done things that improve the image.

If the creator has some stated goals or issues with the image, then feedback on how they might better reach these goals or solve these issues can also be given. Creators specifically asking for opinions on certain things is also fine.

In your analysis and feedback you should include, where possible, ideas and techniques for fixing the issues that you point out.

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As an example, here's one my recent gens:


Looking for basic errors we can see the following:
- Cadance does not appear to have any sign of wings.
- The bottom right of the inset section on the door behind Cadance is missing.
- Her hooves (hoof shoes?) have slightly different shapes and embellishments.
- Cadance's tail is exceptionally long.

All of these issue can be fixed by starting with a different base gen, or by overpainting/inpainting/detailing.

A positive of the image is that the armor, clothing, and regalia all seem very coherent.

One issue I have is that I feel like the image is just sort of boring. Causes and solutions for this might include:

| Problem | Solutions |
| ------- | --------- |
| 1girl standing | Use more varied pose descriptions. Add more characters. |
| Basic, head-on camera angle | Use a more interesting camera angle. |
| Basic lighting | Use more interesting lighting descriptions (not well tagged, requires experimentation). |
| Background that is simultaneously dull yet distracting | Use a different gen. Inpaint out distracting features. Describe the background differently. |
| No objects of interest. | A weapon, shield, goblet, etc. might add some interest. |

As I'm using a Noob based model, useful tags for things such as pose and camera-angle can be found in the e6 and danbooru tag wikis.

Some things I would like feedback from others on are:
- Is the color grading okay? (difficult because I and many people do not have color accurate monitors)
- What do people think of the face? I feel like it has a somewhat porcine influence to it and I'm not sure if I like it.
- Is white and red a bad color combination with Cadance's fur?

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Please try to include feedback for others when you post a request for feedback. This should help to keep a good balance between giving and requesting feedback.
No reason given
Edited by AIPonyAnon